Engraved Darkness

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Chapter 16- Engraved Darkness

The mystery popped into Fp's head as he waited in the waiting room. Alice got a very heartbreaking voicemail from Fp. She stared at clock ,it was now 11 at night. She stood there almost falling over as she made herself a grilled cheese sandwich. Betty's cries had died down. She snuck into kitchen to find her mother breaking down. Betty was could tell that her mother was hiding something from her.

"Mom, what is it?" Betty asked her mother as she took a bite of her mom's freshly made grilled cheese sandwich. Alice waited for her daughter to swallow her bite of food. Alice was nervous to tell her daughter. This would shatter her daughter's already torched heart.

"Betts, sit down." She commanded as she pulled out the chair and patted it. Betty did as her mother said. Betty felt a pang in her gut telling her something is wrong.

"Mom what is it? You're starting to scare me." Betty asked one last time. Alice reached over the table and squeezed her daughter's hand.

"Betty, Jug got hurt on his bike. He is still in surgery. But Betty we have to had down there to comfort Fp. I don't want him to start drinking himself into the hole again." She confessed as her eyes barely could look her daughter in the eye. Betty sat there with tears burning her eyes.

She didn't know if she could handle One more thing. It seemed like anything was crashing down and burning everything in its path. Betty follows her mother to the car. As Betty felt the car move into motion. She felt her world being burned to the ground. First the Jason blossom murder, that turned out to be his own father. Then it was the black hood and now it was Juggie getting hurt cause he was so anger about her kiss with Archie.

Fred got the alarming call from his old best friend. Jughead was in an accident. All he could think was how is Archie going to handle this news. He climbed up the stairs and knocked on Archie's door. Archie heard the sharp knock on his bedroom door. "Come in." He called. Fred opens the door. Archie looked up to see his dad's dignified face. Archie's eyes shoot towards his father. Air filled his lungs, guilt ate up the insides. He knew jughead found out about the kiss. Jughead sent him a very angry text.

"Archie I have some not pleasant news." His father states as he walked closer to his bed. Archie felt his head start pounding. "W-hat is it Dad?" He croaked out. "Jughead was in an accident." He comfirmed his theory. Jughead was hurt. And it's all his fault. The Andrews got into the truck. The whole way there Archie's mind was dark. It was almost like jughead was in his brain controlling his mind and thoughts.

When they got there, their eyes were met by Fp, Alice and Betty. Fred pulled Fp into a hug. He felt the old friends tears soak through his pj shirt. Fred didn't honestly care, he knew that Fp was having a tremendous amount of shit going on. Fp shot a glare towards Archie. He was so angry. He wasn't even sure who he was more angry at. Was it Archie or himself? He heard echos calling for him. He shook his head.

"Mr, Jones." The lab coat doctor called out. Fp slowly turned his head to face the doctor.

"Uh, yes." He sighed as his shoulder shrugged. Jug's surgeon sat in the seat directly next to him.

"Mr Jones, there were some complications." The surgeon stated with a serious tone. Fp looked up to the doctor.

"W-what were the complications?" Fp worriedly asked feeling the tears threatening to fall from his stone cold eyes. He wasn't actually stone cold, he was just trying to look strong then he really was. In the inside, he wanted drink. He wanted to curl up in a ball and drink. But he knew they wouldn't do anything to bring Jug back to normal. The surgeon took a breath.

"There was a tear in his cranium. We were able to stop the bleeding in his brain. But there's no way to tell if it didn't cause any damage to his frontal lobe or partial lobe." The surgeon explained with a remorseful expression. Fp could barely breath without feeling burning in his chest.

"You mean like his memory?" Fp asked barely being able to control his tears anymore. The surgeon nodded his head and placed a soothing hand on FP's shoulder.

"I'm very sorry for all this. We will try to see even if that's the case. By the way I'm doctor lay." Dr Lay explained as he stretched his arm out to shake Fp's hand. Fp extended his arm out and took Dr. Lay's hand.

Dr Lay walked out of the waiting room, leaving Fp breaking down. A soft voice came from behind him. He didn't bother lifting his head. Alice sat right next to Fp. She had no clue what the doctor told him. But she could tell it wasn't good news. Betty watched her mother comforting Jug's Dad. All Betty wanted was to know if Jug was going to be okay. V wasn't speaking to her. Archie, she knew he would be there for her.

"Fp, honey. What did the doctor say?" Alice said softly as she brushed through his black fine hair. Fp heard the sweet sound of her voice. He didn't lift his head. He just softly mumbled.

"He said that there was a complication during his surgery." Fp mumbled as he just let the tears burn his eyes. Alice's eyes started to well up. She inhaled a bunch of air trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Oh Fp, I'm so sorry. Not to pry, but what was the complication?" She questioned as her own eyes glistened with tears. Fp lifted his head up a little but stared at the hospital ceiling.

"Something about a tear in his brain. I'm not a doctor. But it sounded critical." Fp answered sounding like he was about to down a few shots. Alice didn't say anything else. She just pulls him closer and allows him to cry on her lap.

Betty in the next seats over heard Jughead's Dad heart-wrenching words. Jughead has possibly brain damage. The words cut into her. It was like ice she was standing on was drifting and starting to crack. Archie and his dad walk through the doors of the waiting room. After Fred got himself coffee. It was now 3 in morning, the silence rattled through the room. It was so quiet you could hear pen dropping on the floor.

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