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Chapter 18- Explored

It was now nine pm, Alice knocked on Fp's trailer door. She was wearing her tan robe with black lace across the front revealing a little of her breasts. She also had knee high lace up black boots. Fp got off his couch and walked over to the door, opened the door. He saw Alice in the tan robe. He felt his mouth go dry. He welcomed her in and closed the door behind him. His pants tighten as she started taking off the robe, revealing her lace black bra and panties. The robe falls to the ground. Fp sent a smile in her direction. She just started moving closer to him. She moves her hands over his thin white beater tank top. She could feel his rock hard abs as she brushed her chest against. Fp was having a hard time not slamming her body against the door.

"Oh come on bad boy, don't leave me hanging." She teased as she unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. That's all Fp needed. He pushed her against the door. As he moved his lips to her neck teasing her soft spot, moving down to her exposed breasts. As he moved his way down, she let moans of pleasure. She worked her way to his throbbing dick and stroked it. He picked her up and brought her to his room, closing the door behind them. She let the giggles out and he started backing her to the bed and threw the cover over the both of them.

Jughead and Betty were cuddling up in his bed. Betty knew her mom went to their house. She missed his arms around her. She knew everything wasn't completely fixed yet. She was just enjoying her time with Juggie before her mother picked her up from the hospital. She promised her mother nothing was going to happen. Her mother didn't want to agree at first but she eventually gave in.

"Betty, you want to ask them if we could order a movie?" He asked as he rubbed her arm softly to get her attention. Betty looked over to his face and smiled. "Yeah let's order a movie." She responded as she curled up in his arms. He used his call button. The nurse came up his room. She said it was okay. Jughead browsed the selection of new movies before picking a comedy. He grabbed the remote and pressed play. As the movie started, Betty couldn't help but stare at his hatless head in amusement. Something in her felt a little turned on. Maybe it was his soft skin against her but she wasn't sure.

She started leaning over to his neck and started moving her lips in a hot manner. Jughead felt her both breath in his neck. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't resist. And knowing his father couldn't stop him made him want to do more. He held in the moan. He didn't want to disturb the other patients in the hospital. She ran her hands through his black curls. She started sucking his neck leaving a brusing mark with her teeth. She pushed her hips into his. He did the same and began moving lower. As he reached her stomach he traced a trial down to her crotch. She felt the juices from her seep out of her panties. His fingers snuck into her. She let out soft moans.

After a little while the movie was done. They only did blows nothing else. Betty felt like she was technically a virgin anymore. She had to tell V. Now that her and Roni were speaking to each other on a regular basis now. Jughead felt like he had to tell Archie. But then he remembers that him and Archie aren't speaking.

As the sun rose, Alice and Fp woke up tangled up with their legs intertwined together. Fp loved the feeling over her soft skin gliding above his. Alice hadn't felt like that since the month before their homecoming. He hit all her soft spots. And she hadn't been that aroused since their last night. Alice laid in his arms as she looked lovely into his eyes. "Good morning, Baby." He said in his husky morning voice. The same morning voice that she loved dearly. She curled into his chest. They were still bare naked skin to skin. "Good morning Fp". She smiled at his morning voice. He loved her smile. He sat up with her still in his arm. She sat up as well. She began grabbing her clothes off the floor. He rolled over on his back and threw his arms around her. She was pulled down and struggled to get out of his grip.

"Fp!" She whined trying to break loose. He held her closer, kissing the same spots as he did last night. "Allie!" He mocked as he teased her neck with his tongue. "Please let me go!" She begged as he continued to kiss her neck making her giggle. He lowered his lips and sucked her bare breasts. She felt herself getting turned on again. "Um... how about no!" He laughed his way down her crotch. She hated when he took control. She flipped him over attacking him with her nails. She got loose from his grip. She was about to leave the room, but another thought popped into her mind. "Oh you wanted it! Now your going to get it!" She hissed as she pushed herself against his throbbing dick. She started stroking with her firm hands. He felt himself getting wet. She got on top of him and pushed herself onto his dick. She thrusted causing him to scream her name. "Aliceeee!" He screamed as he grabbed her breasts and sucked on her hard nipples. She then screamed out his name. "Fpppp!" She hissed as he nibbled her ear.

A while later, she plopped her sweat dripping body next to his. Their breathing returned back to normal. Fp looked over at clock on his nightstand. The time was now ten am. He rolled out of bed and smiled as he threw on new shirt. He caught her staring at his abs again. He sent her a grin. Her eyes traveled to the torn white beater tank that was on the floor. Her nails ripped holes into the back and front of the shirt. She smirked at the thought she did that last night. She got up from his bed holding the bed sheet to her body. She grabbed her clothes once again. The same clothes Fp snatched from her when he tackled her and attacked with his sweet delicate touch. She picked up her bra and re clasped it acrossed her back. Next he threw on a pair on his finest blue jeans that Alice said hugged his ass. Once they were dressed, he opened his bedroom door. Alice grabbed her purse and placed her robe back on.

"You're leaving already?" He complained as he kissed her cheek. She watched him throw a pout on his face. Why did he have to be so charming? It drove her crazy. "Fp I have to go home and change. If I show up like this. Betty will for sure know what happened last night." She stated as she reached for the door handle. "Okay, but I will see you tonight." He said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her.

Once she was behind the door. She sighed and walked to her car. Damn it was cold she thought as she hurried to her car. It was much colder than it was last night. She felt the hot air of her heater as she drove away. She got onto the highway and headed to her house. She unlocked her front door with the keys. The keys jingled as she sprinted upstairs. She quickly changed into something more flattering but still acceptable to wear to a hospital. She locked her house back up and hopped back onto the freeway heading to the hospital.

Betty woke up in the warm of jug's arms. She noticed Jug was still asleep. She carefully climbed out of the bed. As she closed the door, she saw Archie and Veronica walking with their hands joined together. She  wanted to tell V everything. That's what girls do. They tell their girlfriends everything. Roni could tell B was wanting tell her something. She motioned Archiekins over to Jug's door. Archie was so nervous. He wasn't sure how Jug was going to react.

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