Back To Reality

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Chapter 59~ Back To Reality

A few days after the accident happened. Things were still rocky between Jellybean and Jughead. He still felt guilty from what he said. He was now at home on bed rest. His dad told him that he was keeping a closer eye on him and Jellybean. Fp found himself drowning in worry every time he drove passed the river. His hands would grip the steering wheel with all his might until his knuckles would turn white as snow. Betty felt like shaking at the mention of Sweetwater.

Alice found herself staring over at Jughead in worry. She didn't know why. Maybe it was that he was very close to her? She didn't know why she got like this. She knocked her knuckles on the door in front of her. Jughead sat in his bed watching YouTube when he heard knocking on the door. He paused his video and opened the door.

"Alice, what are you doing here?" He asked staring down at the bag of cookies. The same cookies he loved so much. Alice saw his eyes crave the cookies in the bag.

"I brought you some cookies. I figured you could use some." She said, handing him the bag. He smiled up at her as he took the cookies from her. How well did she know him. Apparently she knew him a lot. It was his favorite cookies once again.

"Thanks for the cookies. Dad's not here if your wondering where he is." He said as he took a bite of the cookie. Alice did notice he wasn't home. She found it strange that he wasn't there.

"Oh he's not? I left Aubree and Trevor with Betty. It was agreement if you know your dad didn't wake up." She mumbled the last part, avoiding his eye contract. Jughead tried to ignore the uneasiness in her voice, but it was nearly impossible to ignore.

"I'm not sure where he is. He could be at Pop's or at the Wrym. He left earlier this morning. I know you have been very worried about me. I'm fine, Mrs A." He stated with a soft smile.

Jellybean snuck out of the trailer before Jughead had woken up. She still avoid the discussion whenever he brought the subject up. She got grabbed a bike from the shed behind their trailer, hopping on and rode down the long roads. As she rode, trees protected her skin from the blazing heat of the sun, humming birds hummed in rhythm. She loved the freshness of the air as it hit her skin. The blue sky brightened up her eyes. Since she had gotten there, she hadn't done much enjoying the outdoors. She had been cooped up since the day she arrived. She spent most of it at the hospital, receiving treatment and spending time in psychiatric wand. She hated every living second of it. She missed her old mom. The mom who would take to the mall on fridays after-school. Sometimes she wondered what she did to deserve what she had gotten. She knew being raped, she didn't deserve. Nobody deserved that, not ever.

She pulled into the parking lot, rows of bikes were next to each other as she pressed her bike brake stand down until it clicked. She walked into bar clicking her heels behind her. She felt everyone's eyes staring up at her. They were filled with confusion and pleasure. JB felt a little sickened by all the older men watching her like she was some dog chew toy. She pulled a seat from the bar and sat down. She spotted a guy who her father called Hogeye. She found the name strange. She couldn't really talk either. Her name was Jellybean for fucksake and her brother had her father's name. The Jones names were weird, strange. That's all she knew anyway. She tapped the bar top with her nails, Hogeye turned around watching his eyes widen and heard him groan as he made his way up to her.

"Jellybean what you doing here? Are you trying to get me fired?" He groaned as he poured his customers their drinks. She rolled her eyes as he poured the drinks.

"No, Hogeye. Can't a girl loosen up for fuck sake? I haven't had the most glamorous life. Hogeye just pour be a Sheryl temple." She muttered as she passed him a twenty to keep his mouth shut. He grumbled as he took the hush money. He knew he was going to pay for it later.

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