Drastic Measures

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Chapter 50~ Drastic Measures

Betty heard the door open and then closed. She looked up from her phone. Her eyes met with her mother who was holding a picture dearly to her heart. Fp was standing next to her with a little smile on their faces. Alice couldn't believe she was able to Charm Keller. It was like she was a teen again fooling the cops when they delivered drugs to their users. Betty couldn't believe her friends were planing to find Jug. She knew it was dangerous but she couldn't sit there waiting for who knows long.

"Mom, what are you holding?" She asked gesturing to the picture in her mom's hand. Alice glanced down at the picture in her hands and flipped it up showing Betty.

"It's your siblings." She said as a smile grew onto her lips. Betty reached to grab the picture without wrinkling the sides. It was almost to hear the word siblings. She wasn't used to the fact that she and Jug share a sibling once again. But this time they were much younger. A smile curled onto her lips.

"Wow 9 weeks. Oh god that was when Jug was in the hospital. Gross I'm sorry but really." She stated a little disgusted. Alice and Fp exchanged looks. Alice rolled her eyes and stared.

"Oh come on, Betty. You think we didn't know about your little experience that night too." She commented as she watched her daughter's jaw drop. "Oh don't act like your so innocent. Plus I saw the way you slyly gave Jughead a present. I wouldn't be so judgy if I were you." She backed herself up once again. Fp couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"Mom, well I'm happy for you guys." Betty said as she handed the picture back. She looked at her phone it was 6. There was no way her mom would let her leave. "Is there anyway you would let me go to Pop's? So I can get the homework I'm missing from school?" She asked as she eyed her mom in the eyes. Alice looked to Fp for support. She wasn't dumb. She knew it wasn't homework. She knew her daughter wanted to go shopping. Fp had another thing on his mind. Why pop's? If she was going to lie why pick such obvious spot?

"Betty it's dinner time. Why can't you wait until tomorrow? It's going to be the weekend. You will have all weekend to catch up on the homework you missed." Alice explained as she put her hands on her hips in suspicion. Betty realized that her mom was starting to get curious.

"Please, I will be back before curfew?" She begged as she drooped her eyes into puppy dog eyes. Alice hated when her daughter begged for stuff. Fp was having a hard time trying to ignore her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine.." Alice answered as she raised her finger up. "Only on one condition." She reasoned as her finger waved around. Betty felt her smile brighten on her lips.

"What's the condition?" She asked as her lips curled. Alice felt this feeling. It was telling her no but her mind was telling her yes.

"Just stay safe. No absolutely no I mean no going to the Wyrm. You're too young. I don't care what Toni or Cheryl do. I won't allow my daughter there again. Not after what happened." She said as she cringed. She hated thinking about it. The serpent Dance still haunted her. Betty felt her face cringe as well.

"I know and I won't, I promise." She stated as she kissed her mother's forehead before closing the door behind her.

The curious driven teens gathered at pop's with a plan. Archie, Kevin and Veronica sat down in the booth with milkshakes in their hands. Betty finally arrived at Pop's. As she was reaching for the door someone else grabbed the handle too. She looked up to see her cousin Cheryl standing with Toni. Behind Toni was Sweet Pea and Fangs. Betty was a little thrown. But she didn't question her cousin's protection. They walked into Pop's receiving glares from the other customers. South Serpents weren't really accepted by the North. Betty always hated her town being so divided. When they took their seats and ordered their meals. Kevin felt his heart tense up when he spotted Fangs from the corner of his eye.

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