Smiles For Days, Laugh For Eternity

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Chapter 79: Smile For Days, Laugh For Eternity

The day she'd been dreaming of since she was a little girl was today. She couldn't want to be Mrs. Jones. It was March 25th as she stared at the calendar on the wall next to her makeup desk. Her emotions were on overdrive. She woke up with a bright smile, basically a non-stop smile. FP stayed at Fred's house the night before the wedding. Betty and the girls all stayed at their house. Her heart pooled at the sight. It was her wedding dress she picked out all those months ago.

"Al!" Hermione's voice calls through the door. "Your mom wants to see you."

Alice got out of her makeup chair, walked over to door and greeted her mother with a cheesy hug. Cindy looked at her baby girl and fought back her tears that were forming. She never got to see her get married the first time. Now this time she will.

"Oh baby girl, you look gorgeous!" She exclaimed before fixing her vail on her head.

Alice felt her eyes to begin to tear up. She looked at her mom with a huge smile. Cindy engulfed her in a hug before releasing. No. She warned herself. She wasn't going to cry.

"Oh mama." Her voice was in cries. "Don't make me cry." She said with a watery voice as she waved her hands by her eyes to keep crying.

Cindy wipes at her eyes and dries Alice's tears too. She's been waiting for this day for so long. Alice sat back down as her mother finished her makeup touches. Throughout the morning, Betty made sure she didn't have to lift a finger. Well besides throwing the bouquet. It had to be different flowers. No posies for her. Betty ordered a special flower for her. Veronica stopped in with Hermione. Hermione brought Fred as a date. Mary allowed it and she said it was okay with her if they dated.

Veronica and Archie both thought it was strange but got over it. If Alice and FP could get married, why can't their parents be together. Betty and Jughead laughed at Archie. It wasn't much a surprise to them. They'd seen Mr. Andrews and Ms. Gomez act different before. Also Veronica knew about her mother's affair. Hiram was locked away and couldn't do harm. Jellybean prepared to walk in heels but Sweet Pea told her no. It wasn't good for the baby. Especially when she was going to have the baby in five months. FP liked Sweet Pea and agreed with him. JB was less than thrilled with the team up. Now it was two months after the fact and she agreed that her heels would kill her.
He couldn't believe the day had come. The woman he's going to marry will be Mrs. Jones. He woke that morning with joy in his eyes. He didn't need coffee which surprised both him and his son.

"F!" He heard Fred's yell from outside the bathroom door. "Do you need any help?"

FP looked in the mirror. He had been trying to tie his suit tie for at least twelve minutes. He was getting frustrated by the fact. The door opened, Fred stood in the doorway, smirking.

"Oh quit and help me already, Fredrick!" FP snapped, throwing his tie on the floor.

Fred bent down and picked up the tie, fixed FP's collar before he placed the tie around his neck. FP smiled in the mirror. Today was the day he was officially marrying Alice. She was going to be his for the rest of their life's.

Jughead came by earlier to help Fred set up. Archie and Sweet Pea helped set the altar up in the backyard. Jellybean decorated the fence with cherry blossoms; at Cheryl's request.

Time passed by and ticked when the Rome struck. Alice watched as Jellybean walked down the aisle with Aubree and Trevor in the wagon. Sweet Pea on the other side, his hand on her bump as they strolled and parted ways. FP's heart fluttered at the sight. His daughter looked like a princess. He hoped one day he'll be walking her down the aisle. Betty came next, following by Cheryl and Mary. Hermione walked with Fred, smiling at each other while earning eyerolls from the groom.

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