Deadly Accusations

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Chapter 32 ~ Deadly Accusations

Cheryl was in her room when the news popped up on her 75in Flat screen tv. The headline said something that made her heartache. She thought back to when she saw the blossom all over the news. It made her stomach churn. The news headline said. Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, also known as Fp Jones was shot while rescuing Alice Smith, Formally known by Alice Cooper. Tears burned her eyes as she heard the horrific description. Cheryl then heard her mother swearing her head off. She got off her bed and traveled to the foyer.

"What the hell is the yelling for!" Cheryl snapped as she entered the foyer. Penelope sent her daughter an icy glare.

"The yelling for that bitch she is lying. He would never hurt anybody!" Her mother raised her voice and pointed at the tv. Cheryl was sick to her stomach. She was angry and sick because of her uncle. What he did was inexcusable. And her mother is making up lame excuses.

"So you think she is lying! Mother there's prove that he is sick!" She spat and stomped her foot. " HOW COULD YOU THINK SHE IS LYING!" She yelled at her top her lungs. Her mother's eyes met hers. Penelope hated her daughter.

Cheryl was disgusted by her whole family. How could her mother think that Alice is lying. And Fp didn't do any harm to anybody. Okay maybe covering up her brothers murder was a little dishearting. But the real one to blame was her ex father.

"She's Alice she lies about everything." Her mother sliced the tension with one word. Lie was the word. That word was what Cheryl's whole life was based on.

"Shes not lying. Mother there's burns and marks and bruises to prove it! God why don't you listen!" She agreed as she pointed her finger at her mother. "FP COULD DIE!" She screamed as she held in her rage. "Mom, Jughead could lose his father. I know Fp is not the best. BUT HE COULD DIE, BECAUSE OF HAl COOPER!" She spat as her voice echoed the room. Penelope sent her burning eyes into her awful daughters direction.

"Who cares! He's a nobody!" Her mother said in a nasty tone and she slapped her daughter across the face.

Cheryl grabbed her burning cheek. It still burned as it bruised up and swelled. Cheryl was so sick of being mistreated. Her own life had been a lie. Her mother didn't even two shits about her. Her father murdered her own twin brother, Jason. She had enough of this bullshit.

"Mom how could you say that!" Cheryl cried as she still held her cheek. "After Daddy killed Jason! You are taking your murdering husband's cousins defense! Why mother!" She screamed as clicked her heels. Her mother turned on her heel and whirled her body toward her.

"Because Hal is innocent and all the rest are lying!" She snapped as she slapped her again.

"HE FUCKING TRIED TO MURDER ALICE And FP! HOW CAN YOU BE SO INSENSITIVE!" Cheryl had enough and slapped her mother in the face. Penelope was outraged by her daughter's accusations.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH, CHERYL MARJOIRE BLOSSOM!" Her mother snapped indignant as she punched her to the couch. Cheryl slammed her head on the coffee table. "STOP INSINUATING THAT HE DID THIS! BECAUSE HE DIDN'T!" Her mother exclaimed as she stormed to the stairs. Cheryl had enough of her mother protecting him.

"I'm not insinuating anything! I'm not accusing. I'm stating the truth! He did his and there's no denying that! Cheryl galled as she stormed to her room. Penelope spun her head 360 and grabbed her daughter's arm and twisted it.

"I love him and I'm not letting him take the fall for that bitch, And that nobody!" Her mother sniffed as she got in her face. Cheryl was caught off guard her mother loves a psychopath. Those words made Cheryl's stomach heave hearing those god forsaken words. "I suggest you keep your mouth shut! And listen to me! Her mother iilogical snapped and stalked off leaving Cheryl with tears streaming down her cheeks.

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