Forbidden Memories

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Chapter 7 - Forbidden Memories

It was still Saturday. Fp went to go find his son. He heard moaning and groaning in the closet he passed as he walked down the hall. He whipped the door open, revealing his son and Betty half naked. Jughead and Betty jumped apart. Jughead saw his father and quickly shoved his shirt over his head. They didn't have sex. They were about before his father found them. Betty quickly grabbed her shirt on the ground and threw it over her head. She had never been so humiliated in her life. It was way better than her mom or worse her father finding them. Fp turned around so Betty could get dressed. Jughead was really embarrassed. He turned away from his father as he felt his cheeks flush.

"Jughead"! Get out here now! I don't need to be a grandpa yet." He marched orders as he pulled his son out of the closet.

"Dad." He whines as he covered his face with his crown beanie.

"No son! Let's go now!" He demanded as he starked off. Jughead turned to Betty and smiled nervously.

"I'm sorry about that. That was embarrassing. We always get interrupted." Jughead laughed nervously as he rubbed his hands down his face. Betty's cheeks were still blushing bright pink.

"Juggy it's probably good that we didn't do anything. We didn't have any condoms and I'm not on the pill. I would be for sure knocked up. And we are only 16. We don't need to be raising kids at our age. Plus we just got done being tortured by the Black hood." Betty explained as she ran her hands through her hair twirling the ends.

"You're right Betts. We should do more investigating on your mother's case. There's a bunch of stuff not ending up. Like where was your father, when all this happened? Betty, I'm not trying to stir up anything. I just don't believe the whole being attacked by the Black hood part." Jughead stated his suspicion to Betty.

"Jug, I don't believe my mom either. Her confession was a little sketchy. The evidence didn't match up. And mom didn't say anything about Dad being there. I think when I get out I'm going to ask Sherrif Keller if I can hear about the discription." Betty explained her theory.

"Betty, I should go. My dad is probably getting impatient on waiting in the car. We have been talking for 15 minutes." He said as he kissed her goodbye on the lips.

"Bye juggie. See you on Monday. I get released tomorrow in the morning. Mom gets out in a few days." She said as she kissed him back and sat back in her wheelchair.

Jughead walked down the hall and went outside to find his father glaring at him. Fp had been sitting in the truck for 15 minutes. He was about to unbuckle his seat, when Jughead opened the door and hopped in. Fp pulled the stick shift and backed out of the parking lot. As he drove down the lightly snowy roads he looked briefly at his son. Jughead felt a pair of eyes on him. He turned his head slightly, saw his father looking at him. Fp cleared his throat before he stopped at the stop light right in front of him.

"Jug, I'm sorry for being so harsh. I just don't want you to grow up so soon, son. And I would of reacted even worse for Jellybean. She's my little girl and I wouldn't want her do that stuff either. Jug, I want you to become a writer or do whatever you feel passionate about. Or you could even become a detective since you're so into investigating." He told his son as he drove down the road. Jughead thought about his father's words. He didn't want to be a Serpent forever. Fp wanted more for his son then he ever had.

"Dad, now you bring it up. Don't you find it a little werid how Hal wasn't there when she was attacked? Or was she even attacked." Jughead questioned his father. Fp thought more about Jug's words. It did seem very odd how Hal was conveniently missing during the time of the attack. It had to be around 10:13 pm, because he dropped her off at 9:58 pm.

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