Unwelcoming Bitter Wrath

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Chapter 57~ Unwelcoming Bitter Wrath

Jughead turned around facing the intruders. His heart pounded angrily in his chest, hands clenched, trying to revoke himself from decking Tallboy in his scum, lowlife face.

"Tallboy, Penny." He seethed, unwelcoming wrath in his voice. Betty tensed up beside him, she tried to keep calm. He heard Penny's cackle, rolling her eyes.

"Oh you thought you got rid of us? Don't you remember the deal we had. Eye for eye. Tattoo for my place as leader." Penny snapped, marching closer, reaching for Betty's arm. "I see you got your Tat. Doesn't mean you are one of us, princess." She emphasized, touching Betty's cheek. Betty sniffed at the wicked touch.

"Really it doesn't make me one of you guys? For what I see you don't have one." She mocked, rolling her eyes and smirked. She watched as Penny's eyes flicked at the mockery. Jughead grinned proudly at his girl. She was sticking up for herself, she was just like the Legend, Alice Smith. He heard stories about her, before even knowing it was Alice.

"I suggest you leave, Penny! Your no longer welcome. Before we kick your flat asses out ourselves." He threatened pulling out his switchblade from her pocket, flicking the blade out. Veronica watched in disbelief, Betty was one of them. How she not tell her? She felt hurt and betrayed. Penny sniffed the air and rolled her eyes.

"Oh so where's you daddy anyway? I bet he left you in the dirt." She retorted, clicking her jaw.

"Get the fuck away from them right now, Penny!" A wrath banged through the door, eyes flashed to the disruption, waking the drinkers and everyone else in room. Jughead's eyes went blurry after he felt something cutting into him. "I said get the fuck away! I swear god Penny!" The wrath yelled, swinging his arms belligerently, smacking the knife out of her hands and a-crossed the bar.

"Juggie!" Betty cried, taking her blue sweater off and wrapping around his wound. Jughead felt his vision starting to return. He saw that Sweet Pea, Toni and Cheryl were holding Penny back. He looked around the room, seeing his father holding a knife to her throat.

"Dad, what are you doing!" He shouted, getting his dad's attention. Fp looked over at his son's pleading eyes. He tried to shake it off. "Do you really want to go to prison again?" Jughead pleaded, looking his dad in the eyes. Fp groaned and lifted the knife.

"I'm not going to kill you, I suggest you leave before the sheriff's called." He threatened not even trying to control his tone. He turned toward Tallboy pointing his fingers into his chest. "And you, I thought my son and his friend's banished you months ago. Your lucky I'm letting you off easy. The only reason ain't to save your asses scarring. My son's right your ain't worth wasting life rotting away." He remarked with his hands death gripping Tallboy's ratty, tattered Serpent jacket.

"Fine!" Penny growled angrily yanking herself lose, grabbing Tallboy by his collar and slamming the door forcefully behind her.

Betty, Toni and the other Serpents stay put after the door slams shut. Fp got a glimpse of the freshly Serpent on Betty's arm. Damn it, how the fuck will he explain to Alice about this one, he cursed under his breath. He could tell that they all had a huge amount of liquor in their bloodstreams. How the fuck did they even get this idea. He then noticed Cheryl standing right in plain sight, she had a jacket over her shoulder, not just any leather jacket, it was one of theirs. He had many questions running through his mind.

"Someone please tell me, why I had to check time away from my little ones and clean up this shit. No, I thought I could leave my son and his friend's to do good. Maybe I thought wrong. How come you all smell like liquor?" He raised his voice to the crowd as he hollered on the stage. Jughead knew his dad was look directly at him and Betty as he said that. Betty lowered her eyes, avoiding the judgement Fp had shown through his eyes.

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