Shenanigans Of The Chaos

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Chapter 61- Shenanigans Of The Chaos

"Alice?" His voice was shaky.

Alice heard someone say something. She started sobering up. She opened her eyes and started freak out. Oh shit she didn't. No she would never do that to him. She then realized that the person she was making out wasn't her boyfriend. She felt some drunken high school chick who was sleeping around. And then she realized who was kissing. It was Fp's best friend. She's fucked. Fred noticed who he was kissing. Oh fuck. No no he hadn't meant this. She and him broke apart.

Fp got more angry as he saw who it was. It was his fucking best friend. He felt so betrayed. His best friend. Fucking Fred Andrews. His best friend since he was a little kid. He was so hurt, angry. His jaw slacked as he saw them jump apart. His jeans were pulled up over his waist. That didn't matter anymore. He saw his girl fixing herself. His heart felt shattered again. Yet again he felt broken. This time it wasn't Hal Cooper. He never imagined anything like this. They were happy hours ago. What happened? What changed? All he knew is that he was on verge of a break down. She saw his face and immediately started standing up. She was still drunk but not half as much as she was before. "Fp?!" She saw him start to leave. "No! No! It's not what it looks like?!" Even though she knew darn right that it was what it looked like.

He stood frozen as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jughead broke through the crowd to get to his father. And what he saw made his blood boil. No that wasn't even the word. He placed a hand on his dad's shoulder. His dad started to weaken. He didn't have a thing to drink. But he felt like he was drunk. Betty halted and turned to look at Fp. His eyes were broken. You could see his true pain behind his brown eyes. Fred started standing up trying to make peace. "Fp please—" He was caught off by Fp slamming him into his bedroom wall and pinning his arms to the wall. He was trying to break out of the hold but his hands were too strong.

"Shut up, Fredrick!" Fp snarled as he tightened his grip. "Was this your plan? To get my girl drunk and fuck her?!" He shouted as Alice cried in the corner of the room.

"No, no, Fp that wasn't it all. We just got t-oo drunk I swear." Fred stammered as his grip got tighter. Fp couldn't even look his best friend in the eyes. It just hurt too much.

"Go!" He snapped, loosing his grip.

"Fp—" Fred was caught off again.

"No, I said go!" His friend stayed put. "Fuck this, I'm leaving! Come on Jughead, JB we are going home!" He snapped shoving way through the group.

Jughead sighed as he gave Betty a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled sadly at her. Jellybean knew now they shouldn't of gone. Archie was shocked and angered by it. He looked over at Jughead. Giving him "I'm so sorry look". Jughead nodded back and gave him "it's not your fault look". Alice started to walk over to them, she grabbed his arm as he tried to yank away.

"No, please Fp. I'm sorry. I was so drunk. We shouldn't of came!" She was begging him to stay.

"Yeah we shouldn't of! Was it all cause you wanted to see your fuck buddy?!" His voice was cracking as he insulted her. She was hurt by the comment. But she knew that was what it looked like.

"No, Baby. It wasn't like that. I would neve-" he rolled his pain filled eyes.

"You did with Hal!" She froze as he yelled that name. It haunted her. It was all her fault that they broke up in the first place.

"I know and I'm so sorry about that. I was stupid. Just please talk to me. We can work this out." He laughed at that. It was all comical now.

"Work things out?! You think we can work this out after what you did?!" He snapped again feeling the burning in his eyes intensify.

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