Stress & The Impact

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Chapter 26- Stress And The Impact

Fp rolled out of his bed and headed out his door. He opened the door to see Jughead and Betty all curled up. Fp wasn't sure if he should scold them or just let it be. Betty did lose her mother. Fp honestly didn't have the ambition or care at the moment. He seemed to be heading in a dark path. He was worried about his son following the same path he was heading. He just wanted a drink and it was seven in the morning. Chic opened his eyes and looked around the room. He noticed that he was all alone. He got out of his bed and picked up his bag. He picked the first thing he saw and threw it on. Chic left the room, headed to the kitchen. He crossed the small gallery kitchen, went to the fridge and opened it. His eyes searched the shelves for any food product. The fridge was completely empty. It seemed like his father didn't go grocery shopping. He walked over to the pantry, he did find two pop tarts on the highest shelf. He took the pop tarts and ate them at the table. Fp watched Chic looking desperately for food. Pang of guilt and a shame ate away at his stomach. He didn't realize that they were so low on food. Jughead opened his well rested eyes and carefully moved Betty's arms away from him. Betty awoke to a slight shift next to her. She squinted her eyes adjusting to the bright light in the living room. She felt like she was a vampire in the twilight movies. She rosé up from the couch and planted herself in the chair at the dinner table. Jughead traveled to the kitchen grabbed some milk and pancake mix and tried his best to make his Dad's pancakes. Betty looked up to see stressed out Jughead. She saw how flustered he was as he tried to mix the ingredients.

"Juggie, Would you like some help?" Betty asked as she helped jughead clean up the messy batter. Jughead took her offering hand and passed the bowl to her. She placed the 4 eggs, a cup of milk and the 2 1/2 cups of pancake mix into the mixing bowl.

"Can I help?" Chic called out from the table as he finished his last pop tart. Jughead wanted to snap or tell him to fuck off. Jughead wasn't thrilled about having Chic live with them. He knew it was only temporary, so he only would tolerate it. Betty smiled and signaled him over.

"Yes, Come help." Betty said as she put the batter on a pan. Chic grabbed the next batter with the spoon and scooped it. Jughead rolled his eyes as Chic proudly smiled. Serpents and Ghoulie don't mix well together and to have one as a brother made it very difficult. Fp watched as the three teens made his pancakes. He was impressed how Betty knew his recipe already. She must of leaned from her mother. Alice was loved his pancakes. He started to slowly fall into a depression. He would pull off such a good act to fool his kids to make them think he was actually fine, but when really he was falling apart.

"Those look good, Betty." Fp stated as he licked his lips and smelled the air. Betty looked up from the pan and smiled.

"Thanks Mr Jones." Betty thanked him and flipped the pancakes to the other side.

"Betty where did you learn how to cook like that?" He asked as he strolled into the kitchen. Betty looked at the pan and responded softly.

"Oh my mom taught me." Betty responded as a few tears fell to her cheeks. She wiped them away and continued to flip the pancakes one last time until perfection was made for. Fp noticed how quiet the kichen got. He saw the tears roll down Betty's cheeks. He didn't mean to make her cry.

"Betty.. I didn't mean to upset you." Fp softly apologized as he pulled her away from the stove. She felt arms pull her away. She raised her head to Fp standing right there being his finger to her eyes and wiped the tears away. " Betty, I used to do this to my little girl when she was upset. Betty your like a daughter to me. And I'm so sorry for all this fucked stuff that's been happening." Fp explained in sincerity. Betty was surprised how fatherly Fp got. She actually missed her father, even though he destroyed and broke every bit of her.

"Thanks Fp I mean Mr Jones." She corrected herself as she face palmed her face. Fp didn't mind being called by his name.

"No, no it's fine you can call me Fp if you prefer." Fp sighed as he pulled Betty closer.

Jughead was flabbergasted how affectionate his father was. He missed this side of his father. He wished he had that growing up. Betty relaxed in Fp's arms. She felt him brush her little baby hairs behind her ears. She laid her head in his chest as he moved over to the couch. The pancakes were finished, but nobody were wanted to eat them. Not that they were bad, because they were excellent. Nobody really wanted to eat.

"Thanks Fp. I really need that. I just miss her so much." Betty explained as tears strung her eyes. Fp knew exactly how she was feeling. He wasn't able to sleep without her by his side. He gotten so used to it. It drove him crazy not having her.

"Shh, I know, I know. I miss her a lot too. Mothers always know how to cheer their kids up. I haven't been the best father. But I would never treat you or my kids like the way your father did." Fp said earnestly as Betty continued to cry into his chest. Betty eventually stopped crying and got dressed. She knew it was going to be an extremely difficult day. Jughead already put his outfit on. He wore the same sweater everyday and his beanie. Since he wasn't allowed to wear his Serpent jacket. Chic had to go to work. He knew his father wasn't pleased about him being a Ghoulie member.

Alice woke in more pain she was in then yesterday. Her muscles aches, she felt like she couldn't move a single joint. She looked around the room, there was a small window; it was about two inches from the base of the wall. She knew if she tried to escape again, he would punish her. She laid her head against the back of the wall. Her head was throbbing when she reached forward. She noticed the cuffs were no longer on her wrists. She looked down at the ring cuff marks engraved on her wrists. It was horroring to stare at. She felt her stomach churn. She remembered the first day at the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. She had the same metallic taste on the tip of her tongue; she had when she was pregnant with Chic. She barely could stand up, legs were on fire as she walked over to the window. The window was fogged, she couldn't see anything. She tried not let the tears slip through her eyes. She knew she had to stay strong. She had to make it back alive and not in a body bag. The thought scarred her. She didn't want to imagine watching her family shattered before her very eyes.

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