Tear Drops

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Chapter 30- Tear Drops

It was later at Sunnyside trailer park. Jughead was going through the trailer. The social worker recommended that he stay with the Andrews for the time being. He wasn't thrilled to be staying there. It wasn't like he didn't like the Andrews family. He did. He just felt more at home in his own place. His foster family let him stay in his Dad's trailer; when his dad was in prison. Jughead grabbed everything he could fit in his carry on bag. He came across some pictures. He had no idea his father had so many pictures. He picked up a stack of pictures, went through each picture and examined it critically. There were two stacks full of him and Jellybean. He missed his little sister. He wished he could visit them. But his mother said it wasn't the right time. Part of him was angry that his mother didn't want him to be with her. The other part didn't want to leave Betty, Archie and his dad. He saw pictures of him and his mom playing at the nearby playground on the southside. It wasn't the greatest park but it was way better then the other parks on the southside. There was pictures of him and his dad. One picture was taken 6 years ago. It was the last one before his father fell off the wagon. Jughead grabbed the picture at its corner trying not to crease the edges. He was 10 years old when this picture was taken. Going through these pictures really wore Jughead out. He didn't want to imagine his life without his dad. Tear drops started falling from his eyes and onto the pictures that were laid out in front of him.

He gathered the pictures and placed them into a ziplock bag and closed his bag. He could hear honking coming from outside the trailer. He forced himself up from the floor and threw the bag over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him. As he hopped into Mr A's truck the only thing he could think about was his dad. The whole way home well to his second home. He stared at the window and watching the trees reflect off of it as the flew by. Archie observed how quiet it was. Once they got to the house. He decided to ask Jug if he was hungry.

"Jug, are you hungry?" Arch asked as he stared at his best friends motionless face. To his surprise jughead didn't say anything. It wasn't like him to turn down free food or food in general. This really worried Archie. Archie helped carry Jughead's bag to his and Jug's room. Jughead pounced on the firm bed and laid his head down. He was exhausted. He was just at school and then he heard the news. It didn't give him much time to think.

"Arch, do you think my dad will be alright?" He asked desperately trying not to break down.

Archie turned his head as he laid his head on the pillow. He didn't want to think of Jughead leaving. He heard about Juggie's mom not wanting him to stay with her. He was so angry when he found out. Fp told him a month after he got out. He knew things weren't the greatest at home for Jughead. But he knew deep down that Fp. Really did love his son. And he was devastated when Jug got hurt. It even caused him to fall back to his drinking.

"Jug, I think he will pull through. You have to stay strong. I know how you feel. I felt that way when my dad was shot by the black Hood." Archie confessed as he turned over on his back.

Betty stayed at the hospital. She watched Jughead barely letting go his father. She tried to keep the tears my prickling her eyes. She hated seeing Jughead like that. Her heart was torn by what her father had done. She was so angry. Angry wasn't even the word she would use to describe it.

Alice hadn't heard any updates in a long time. She was worried that he was leaving her behind. She knows Betty offered to help. But she wanted Betty to go to college and get out of here. This town seemed to be cursed. The town it's self is good, but the people who come. Ever since Hiram Lodge showed up, anything had turned sour.

The next day Jughead can barely get out of bed. He didn't want to do anything. He gave up. He didn't see the point to continue his writing. Archie looked around his room and watched as Jughead hit the snooze and rolled over back on his side. Archie was worried about Jughead. He hated seeing him barely being able to function. Archie stretched his arms, climbed out of bed and sat next to Jug. Jug noticed something or someone breathing over him. He groaned and opened his eyes to see Archie standing over him. Archie had this worry look in his face.

"Arch, I'm fine! Let me sleep!" He snapped as he threw the blanket over his face. He was avoiding his problems. He knew it wasn't healthy. Archie sighed and threw his arms up in frustration. He started to tickle Jug by his feet. Jughead's feet slid away from the opening and hid higher up.

"Jug, please get up." Archie sighed. He started to tickle harder. "Or I will have to tickle you more." He voiced as he grabbed his friend's foot. Jughead kicked his friend's hand away. He finally gave up and threw the blanket off his head and sat up. He was annoyed. He wanted to be left alone. But he knew in the Andrews household that wasn't an option.

"Fine!" Jughead snapped with a snarled hiss as he bolted from the bed and down the stairs.

Archie watched Jug storm out of his room. The guilt risen with him. He didn't mean to set Jughead off. He knew how vulnerable Jughead was. He hated seeing that cheerless look on his face. He missed the sarcastic, cynical Jughead Jones. He sighed as he took a step onto the stairs and creaked. Fred turned his head to the stairs and saw his son with an exhausted expression on his face. Fred didn't like seeing Archie upset. He knew it was how Jughead was acting. He had seen Jughead storm down the stairs, huffing and puffing. He turned back to the eggs he was beating with a whisk.

"Jughead would you like some eggs?" Fred called from other-side of the kitchen. Jughead turned his head towards Mr A and let out a pained sigh. Fred observed the pain level of the sigh and felt his stomach stung with guilt.

"I guess." Jughead sighed as he fidgets with his thumb.

It summed up what was going on in Jughead's head. The thoughts he was thinking about weren't pleasant. Jughead thought about his life more and more last night. In his dreams, he saw his father dying. He would wake up with dried on tears and then the next dream would start. Jughead didn't honestly know how he slept last night. Those dreams or actually nightmares were paralyzing. That's all he thought about.

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