Tongue Tied In Vines

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Chapter 34 ~ Tongue Tied In Vines

There was a tap on the door. Betty shifted and saw the doctor tapping on the door frame. Fp didn't recognize the doctor. Though he didn't really pay attention which doctors are who's. Betty walked up to the doctor and greeted him with a genuine handshake. The doctor smiled and shook her hand. Betty let go of his hand and he followed her into the room. Betty was anxious. Did something happen to her mom? She already lost the chance to have a younger sibling. It killed her inside. Even if she didn't show it, it destroyed her. She hated her father even more then she did before. He took her happiness away. She was even starting suspect him of being the Black hood. Betty had this feeling that they didn't catch the real one.

"Me. Smith, sorry for getting you all worried." The doctor apologized as she took a seat in the chair next to her. Jughead and his father listened closely. "Your mother did lose the baby." The doctor shook the room with her words. Fp felt his world starting to crumble. "But there was another. Actually two." The doctor stated to Betty. Betty was shell shocked. What her mom was pregnant with triplets? Woah that was a huge shocker. The smiths never had a set of triplets not in 5 generations.

"Wait your saying that there was three and now it's just two?" Betty questioned as the room fell dead slient. The doctor nodded his head and looked around the room. Fp was still trying to comprehend the news of losing the baby. And now there's two.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm guessing the doctor didn't find the other two. They could of been hiding behind one another. They sometimes only pick up the first heartbeat. By the way I'm Dr. Grey." Dr Gray explained as she walked over to Fp, Jughead and shook their stunned hands. Jughead tried not to squirm when Dr. Gray shook his hand. He wasn't the one who liked being touched. It made him uncomfortable.

"Ms, I mean Dr. Gray. I'm the father and is there anyway you can update me about Ms Smith? I'm her boyfriend." Fp asked Dr Gray trying not to be overwhelmed by the news. Dr Gray nodded her head.

"Of course, Mr uh what's your name?" She asked with a sweet smile.

"Fp Jones." Fp said as he laid his head back on his pillow to prevent a headache, he felt coming on.

"Yes I can update you Mr Jones." She said as she walked over to Betty. Betty felt uneasy as the doctor approached her. "Ms Smith your mom is still in surgery. After she lost the third baby. She was bleeding. It all happened very fast. I have to get back in there but I will back..." Dr Gray stated as she looked down at her wrist watch. "In 45 minutes." She said as she walked out of the room.

Betty watched as Dr Gray left the room. Fp knew this was all too much for Betty to handle. She was only 16 years old. She is supposed to be in school. Jughead drapped his arm around her and pulled her close. He wanted to tell her I was going to be alright. But in all honesty he had no idea or clue if that was the case.

"Betty Shh it's going to be okay." Jughead whispered as she started hyperventilating in his arms. Fp knew his son very well. But he was impressed how well his son was handling all this. It was a very difficult situation to part take in.

"How can you all be so sure, Juggie?" She questioned as tears fell from her water lines. "This is just such messed up time! How can you have faith and belief it will be all right? I just don't feel like my life is worth." She paused and mumbled the last part "living." She cried. Jughead didn't know she was dealing with the burden to "live". It made him sick.

"Hey, Hey don't say that. That's not the Betty Smith I know. Your the strongest, bravest woman I know, Juliet. Don't think your worthless, unwanted and undeserving to be here. That's not the true Betty I know. I know you feel like your life is falling apart. But your not alone." Jughead paused to unveil his arms. Betty stared at his arms. Tears bursted out of her eyes. How could she have not known?

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