Careless Drinking

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Chapter 39- Careless Drinking


After Fp drowned three bottle of beer. He drunkly grabbed his keys, closing his door behind him. He stumbled over to his bike. He wasn't thinking, he hopped onto his bike and turned the key into the ignition. He threw on his helmet and drove off. With the chilly night wind hitting his face. He had no idea what time it was. Neither did he fucking care. He turned down a familiar road. Fp parked his bike and stumbled up the porch steps. He only knew one person who could possibly talk him out of doing something he would regret.

Fred heard loud bangs on his front door. He rolled over on his side and looked at his alarm clock. It was 2 in the morning. He threw his blanket off of him a and creapted down the creaky staircase and to the front door. He threw the door open, but saw nothing. He stuck his head out the frame and searched the front yard with his tired eyes.

He heard a crash come from his kitchen. Fred had no idea what it was or who it was. He grabbed his baseball bat from the closet. He took a few steps to his kitchen, feeling the adrenaline kicking in. He flicked the closet light switch. His eyes bugged out. He raced over to his sight of the person. He saw Fp holding a knife to his wrist. He snatched the knife from Fp's grasp. Fp started fighting him for it. Fred had no clue what was even happening.

"Fp! What's going on?" Fred asked in a soft tone as he saw Fp's dilated eyes. He could tell Fp was hammered just by the look of his face. Fp rolled his eyes back and huffed a sad sigh.

"I have nothing to live for." Fp let a bitter laugh as tears rolled down his face. Fred was beyond confused and scared at this point. Here was his best friend claiming that he has nothing to live for. What about Alice?

"What do you mean, Fp?" Fred asked as concerned look covered his face. Fp bitterly laughed again and slurred as he explained.

"Something ironic happened, man." Fp slurred his words and he leaned against the counter top. "I was meeting you for band rehearsal." Fp paused filling the aching pain starting to un numb it's self. Fred nodded head. He completely forgot about band practice. But he still wasn't sure why that was part of Fp's explanation.

"Yeah sorry I forgot to come in. I got busy with you know with Mary." Fred cockily cheered as he apologized. Fp knew Fred was getting busy. He wished his friend was there when his life was falling apart.

"Anyway, I was walking over to bleachers to wait for you." He paused once again. "When I saw...." Fp choked on his tears. Fred was concerned. Fp never cries. At least not in front of people. Something must be really wrong. "I saw Alice making out with..." Fp breathed in and released a sigh as tears rolled down. Fred walked up to Fp and pulled into a comforting grasp. "Hal Cooper." Fp cried as buried his face into Fred's chest.

Fred felt the anger boil up inside. How could she do this? Fp's so in love with her. Fred just couldn't believe what was coming out of Fp's mouth. "Fp...

I'm so sorry, man." Fred replied as he hugged him.

"That's not even the worst part, Freddie." Fp said shortly as he angrily wiped his bloodshot eyes. This caught Fred's attention. "She loves him." Fp said bitterly bit his bottom lip. Fred clenched his jaw and fisted tightened. "I also bought her ring, Freddie. And she does this to me. I spent two years saving up money for that fucking ring. And what does she do? She cheats on me." Fp shattered as the pain raises again. Fred couldn't believe the words "ring" was leaving his mouth. Fred doesn't say anything, he just helps Fp to the couch.

He pulls out his phone and dials Mary's number. She answered the phone and was over in less than five minutes. Mary lived right next store. She got a call to come over it's urgent. She knocked on the door. Fred explained what Alice did and anger boiled up I her.

Later at school. Fp watched as the whole school knew about the breakup. He was still hungover. His head was throbbing in pain. As Alice walked right passed him. Her eyes met with his. His heart jumped to his throat. After Fred told him. He tried to kill himself earlier this morning. Fp had a hard time even focusing on his school work. His thoughts were filled with dark thoughts. All he wanted was to die.

It didn't get better at all. After a month went by. Alice started dating Hal freaking Cooper. Fp hated watching them smiling and giggling all over town. It was summer. He heard all over town about Alice being happy. It killed him to hear she was happier without him. He remembered throwing that ring in Sweetwater River last month. The pain didn't disappear. It didn't even stay hidden. The only people who knew his true devastation were Fred and Mary.

Then September rolled around. School started. Fp was now in senior year. He couldn't wait to graduate. But the thought always dug into his heart. The realization burned into his mind. Alice smith was not his. He kept asking himself. What did he do wrong? Why was a northsider better than him? None of his questions were answered simply. The answer was already there. He was just a nobody and didn't deserve her.

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