Scars Within

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Chapter 54 ~ Scars Within

Alice had no idea where Fp was. Pain was all she could register in her mind. The doctors said she was only three centimeters dilated. She hated the She was all alone. It remembered her of when she was giving birth to Chic. Nobody was there to comfort her. Hal couldn't care less if she was in pain. He never visited once. When Dr Gray entered the delivery room, she smiled. Alice liked how nice she was. It made her feel less alone. She hoped that Fp would get her message soon. Jughead was told to wait in the waiting room. He paced the waiting room with his phone to his ear. His dad still hadn't got back to him. It was getting very annoying. Archie watched as Jughead was pacing the floor back and forth. He saw how frantic he was. He decided to go over there and try his best to calm him down.

"Jug, stop pacing. I'm sure he will get your messages. Just stay calm." He said softly as he put his hand on Jug's shoulder. Jughead started feeling the relief. He was letting himself get way too stressed out.

Fp was stuck in traffic when he realized his phone died. He had no charger. He asked the girls to run into the gas station really quick to get a charger for his phone. Jughead decided to try one more time. But this time he calls Betty's phone. Fp heard a loud ringing coming from the back. He looked around the truck and reached for the phone. The screen flashed with Jug's picture. He swiped the screen to answer the call. He put the phone to his ears.

"Hey Jug, I was going to call but my phone died. I had the girls run in and get me-" He was caught off by his son's voice. Jughead glared at the screen and spat angrily.

"I don't have time for the story. I'm at the hospital." He snapped as his eyes burned into the screen. Fp heard the words hospital and felt an instant frantic state wash over him.

"Jug, why are you at the hospital?" He questioned as a alarmed look rose on his face. "Are you okay?" He said frantically as his heart sped up. Jughead could hear his father's voice highten. He could tell his dad was having a full out freakout.

"Yes I'm fine. Alice's in labor. How fast can you get here?" He whispered into the phone. Fp's heart sped up and then went steady. The twins were on their way. It had been a long nine months.

"Okay I will be as soon as the girls get back from the gas station." He stated as he hung up. Before he knew it Betty and Veronica were back in the back seat, staring at his flushed face.

"Fp, are you okay?" Betty asked as she buckled her seatbelt. She noticed his eyes were wide and he had her phone in his hands. "Who called?" She asked again feeling the silence overtake the truck. Fp didn't even realize the phone in his hands. He was too focused on staring at the windshield.

"We have to go the hospital. Betty your mom is in labor." He explained as he put the truck in drive and turned out of the gas station parking lot.

Betty and Veronica both shared a gaze and then nodded their heads. They were both excited. Betty couldn't wait to hold the bundles of Joy. She couldn't believe her chance to be a big sister had come. She almost felt guilty for not telling Polly. But she made her choice to leave. She also understood why. Her father was deceitful. It only had been Nine exhilarating months since they found out Hal was the Black Hood. There were days where Betty couldn't look herself in the mirror without seeing her father's blood in her. It was like she was some curse. For the first three weeks of school kids teased and taunted her. It wasn't her fault her father was a psycho.

Alice was still moaning in the extremely un-comfortable hospital bed as she felt another contraction start up. She knew it was going be a long day. It was only ten in the morning and she was only four half centimeters dilated. From the corner of her watery eyes she could see Dr Gray enter the room, closing the door and moving closer to her. She was in so much pain. She felt like her stomach was burning alive. Her face appeared to be sympathetic. She could tell Alice was in a lot of pain.

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