How Far Uphill Can Be Reached Before It All Comes Tumbling Down?

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Chapter 65- How Far Uphill Can Be Reached Before It All Comes Tumbling down?

Tom Keller tilts his deputy hat to the side and looks down regretfully. "Was Luke Peter here?" Fp almost felt his skin crawl from the anger in his blood when he heard that name.

"Yes he was." He saw Tom's expression harden. "Is there a problem?" He was confused. Why was Tom being so quiet?

Tom slowly takes a breath before nodding his head. "He's been arrested for endangering this town."

"What did he do?" Fp was now curious what was going on?

"He was driving 60 miles over the speed limit. While he was being arrested he slipped some very disturbing news." He paused again. "He helped organize the Ghoulies kidnap with your daughter." Fp was trying so hard not to explode. This Luke fucking was the reason his daughter was used for bait and almost raped again in front of them.

"He hurt me?" He turned to see his little girl looking up at him as if she was slapped. "H-e helped them." She broke down into his arms.

"I'm very sorry for ruining the party, Fp." Tom apologized as he put his hat back on top of his head.

Sweet Pea turned toward the commotion with wide eyes. The prissy was arrested and was in on the kidnapping. He wanted to murdered that fucking Toledo trash with one hit to the gut. He was about to throw open the door when something stopped him. "No, you stay here!" He looked to see Fp barking orders at him. His eyes harden and he glared at his king. Fp knew what Sweet Pea was about to do. He wanted to do himself but he also knew it wouldn't help her. "No don't glare you're eyes at me! Let Keller handle this! It's not worth spending the rest of your life in a prison cell!" He sneered as he felt his heart boiling as well. He softened his face. "Trust me , you don't want to be behind a glass talking your family." He sighed as he loosened his grip on the younger serpent.

"Fine!" Sweet Pea let out a low growl before stomping outside to smoke.

Another few days passed since Jellybean's eventful birthday party. Fp was groaning at the clock when he was forced to go to work. Alice sighed as she watched him stand up, pulling his boxers back over his waist and leaning over to kiss her on the lips. She traced his back with her hands as she nibbles on his ear. "Alice... I have to get ready for w-ork." He squeezed out as her last nibble invoked a slight erection to occur in his boxers. Alice pouted her lips as he stood back up.

"But, Fp." She whined as she dazzled her puppy dog eyes like she had no problem. Fp rolls his eyes as she throws out her puppy dog eyes routine she had perfected long ago. "Please just one time before work." She pleaded as she rolls her tongue down his chest and slips her hand on his throbbing cock. He tries his best to control his weakness. She giggled knowing got her win. She was going to be the death of him. And his job apparently.

After 45 minutes, he finally sneaks out of bed. He was so late for work. Pop Tate was going to kill him. He hadn't been late since before they reconnected again. It was about the time he fell off the wagon and got into a bar fight with Tallboy. When he arrives, Pop was standing by the front door, giving him a look on his face. He knew he was in trouble. He was supposed to be there 45 minutes ago.

"Jones" He lowered his head and followed Pop Tate outside the diner. As the door shut behind him. He felt his chest tighten. "Why were you Forty-Five minutes late for your shift today?" Pop questioned as he had his hands on his hips, judging by Fp's messy hair and the lipstick mark on his ear. He knew why. Exactly why Fp was late. "You got a little something right." He pointed out the red lip mark on his ear. Fp could of sworn his cheeks were bright red.

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