Bite Into A Bitter Pill

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Chapter 72- Bite Into A Bitter Pill

After several minutes of comforting each other, Alice and Jellybean take a drive to only place Alice knew Fp could be. She needed him and His daughter was falling apart. She needed his guidance and especially his love more than anything. She really hoped her dad would take her back with open arms. She knew that whole situation sucked and they both felt angry with one-another. Maybe if they would've talked it out like civil adults; they could've avoided of this unnecessary drama. But that was learned for their next blow out. Now it was time to focus on one demon at a time.

As Alice pulled into Sunnyside and in front of the for sale sign. She switched off her engine and slowly walked over to his old Trailer. Jellybean wasn't far behind. She looked over at Alice, who looked just as nervous as she did. She didn't bother on asking what happened between Alice and her dad. It just seemed better off leaving that be for the time. Alice gently knuckled the door with her knuckles and waited for the door to open.

In his misery, Fp heard knocking on his door. Who could've know he was here? He slowly grouches as he makes his way through the trailer and over to the peskey annoying intruder. He whips open the door and blinks his eyes from the blinding light. He catches two women standing on his porch. Then he flutters his eyes again to clear the foggy image. His daughter was standing right in front of him with Alice who recently he learned she was a liar.

"What, are you guy—-" Before he could finish his sentence his daughter runs to hug him. He smiles for the first time in days. It had been so long since their fight.

Jellybean tightened her grip on his waist and buried her head into his chest. Her cries were muffled against his clothed chest. She missed him so much.

"Daddy, I'm sorry. I should've came back home. I was just so angry and now, I really need my daddy. She apologized as He rubbed her back comfortingly.

Alice watched the moment and felt tears pricking at her vision. Fp held his little girl in place as he rocked them. "What does my little angel need from her dad?" He lightly kissed her cheek.

Jellybean withdraws from the hug and hands him the papers. She hopes that he doesn't hate her. Fp looks up just as he is given some papers. He's confused at first. And then He reads them and his blood was boiling. This Jared Richards was going to have to deal with him. He was fucking suing his daughter and claiming she was never assaulted. All he knew was he was going to let go. His daughter need a support system and not more fighting. Though he wasn't really for her having a kid so young and she was nowhere logically or emotional ready to be a mother. He would be by her every step of the way.

He wanted to murder that mother-fucker for hurting his little girl and not even having the balls to take the punishment like a man. He would go prison for murder if he has to. He knows that's not ethical. But he doesn't care. His daughter was tortured and was demanded to be quiet and not speak. He wanted him to pay and he would do whatever it took to make him pay. Even if he has to spend the rest of his life behind a cinderblock wall. He would just for his little girl. She was his little princess. He remembered all the times he wore a crown just to make his little girl laugh and snatch her crown back. Those times were gone. She was much older and in fact expecting at this very minute. That was something he never could've thought about. It was still a shock to him and he regretted acting the way he did.

Alice felt unwanted. She knew he was still angry for what happened yesterday morning. She regretted not telling him. And now she was in deep. Too deep to take it back. She was trapped there until he forgave her. Which she hoped was soon. She couldn't stand him being angry with her. It drove her mad not being able to kiss away the angry and hurt. She could feel the dread when He spotted her when he opened his door.

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