Locked Tight

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Chapter 33~ Locked Tight

It was 5 in the morning, Betty woke up to sound of moaning. She rushed toward her mother's room. There was this adrenaline in her, causing every bad thought inching its way into her brain. Betty opened her mother's door and the moaning got louder. She rushed to her mom's bed and turned on the bedside light. Her mother was in fetal position, holding her legs to her stomach moaning.

"Mom are you okay?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. The worry was undeniable in her voice. Alice just kept moaning. Betty had no clue if it was a false alarm. She moved her hands on her adomen and her mother screamed out. Betty's eyes widen. She know something was desperately wrong. She wrapped her arms around her mother and picked up with all her might. She quickly left the house carrying her mother in her arms. As she finally reached the car, she felt her arms slipping. She adjusted her grip, opened the car door, placing her in the backseat and closing the door gently shut behind her. Betty felt herself starting to panic. This wasn't a good sign. The baby was most likely put under too much pressure in the situation. She hoped her mom didn't lose the baby. When she saw her mother so happy hearing her baby was okay. She knew her mother didn't really get to be the mother was intended to be.

As Betty was about to start the car, she realized she forgot her keys. She spung out of the car, into the house and grabbed the keys on the counter. She put the keys in the ignition and drove away as fast she could go. The whole way there she was scared. She knew she was going pretty fast. She got to a stop light and started slowing down. Her mother's cries of pain had settled down. But still came every 4 minutes. She knew this was too soon. Babies could be miscarried in the earlier weeks, especially the first week. She reached the hospital and pulled right next to the E.R doors. Nurses and doctors rushed in to help. Betty stood there stunned as she watched her mother get wheeled away. Her stomach knotted in fear.

Jughead woke up to the sounds of his father's machines. He slowly lifted his dad's arms away from him. He put his feet out in front and jumped. Jughead was feeling hungry was he took a trip to the vending machine. As he turned the corner he saw a familiar face. From the distance he couldn't get a clear picture who's face it was. When the familiar face turned her head, her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying. Jughead didn't expect to see Betty. He raced his way over to her, not caring if there was a no running rule in the hospital.

"Betty, what are you doing here?" Jughead asked trying to catch his breath. Betty turned her head to a voice she recognized like the back of her hand. She was Juggie. She just collapsed in his arms.

"Juggie." She cried windedly as she reached out for him. He caught her and instantly wrapped his arms around her. His first thought was why is she here? His stomach tighten as Betty let out more sobs.

"Betts, what's going on?" He asked again feeling his stomach tighten. Betty lifted her head for a second and wiped her eyes.

"My mom she is in the hospital." Betty cried as she buried her head in his chest. Jughead stood there stunned as she cried into his chest. His heart broke for her. She had gone through so much. This whole year had been very stressful. His throat went dry. After he was finally able to speak, he cleared his throat.

"Awe Betty, I'm so sorry." He said softly into her ear. "What happened? I thought she was doing fine." Jughead asked as she continued to bury herself in his chest sobbing her heart out. Betty heard his soft voice echoing over the sound of her sobs.

"I- I woke up to my mom moaning in pain. It was five in the morning. I was exhausted after doing loads of laundry and cleaning the house, every inch. I sorta started cleaning as a stress reliver." Betty explained in muffled tone. She then lifted her head. Her face was lined with her tears. "I drove her here as fast as possible. I was scared I was going to lo-." Betty swallowed the lump. "Lose her." Her voice cracked and she started crying again.

Jughead listened to Betty crying. He knew he shouldn't bring betty into the room. His dad would get suspicious. And that's the last thing he needed to think about. He didn't need to worry about more stuff, that could put stress on his heart. He grabbed her hand and led her to his dad's room. He knew she need to sleep. She was exhausted. It looked like she hadn't been sleeping. He would be questioned. He might just have to lie for his father's sake.

Fp shifted and opened his eyes. He didn't see his son laying next to him. Did Fred take him home? Fp knew that Jughead probably got hungry. He heard muffled sounds coming outside. He sat up a bit in his bed. Heard his son's voice and a girl's as well. Fp thought maybe it was a nurse. Or someone stranger asking for directions. But the tone his son used, really made his head spin. It was a chilling tone. He heard the door open and he pretended to be asleep. Just like Jughead used to do when he passed by. Fp squinted his eyes. He saw his son and a blonde. Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him. But Fp really thought that the blonde looked a lot like Betty. It was too long to be Chic.

A light flickers on and Fp opens his eyes. His eyes widened with realization. Betty Smith his room. But why? He looked over at his clock. It said it was 6 am. Jughead turned around to see his father looking at him with curiousness. Fp took another look at Betty's face and noticed her eyes were red and puffy. Why does it look like she was crying? Not just normal crying more like someone got hurt. His stomach tighten to the thought. No something didn't happen. It's just all in his imagination. Fp kept thinking as he stared at the Betty's eyes.

"Betty? What are you doing here at 6 in the morning?" Fp asked as he eyed her suspiciously.

Betty looked away from Fp's gaze. She didn't want to upset him. Fp watched her look away from him. That just made him more suspicious. He felt a pang gnawing at his stomach. He thought made it was just pain, but this pain was much different then he had last night. Jughead sighed and walked up to his father's bed. He closed his eyes for a faint moment before explaining.

"Dad, don't freak. But something happened." Jughead sighed softly staring at the floor. Fp felt his mouth go dry. His palms began to sweat. Every thought entered his mind. Every possible bad thought taunted his brain. Fp nodded his head and let his son continue. " Alice's in the hospital." Jughead stated holding Betty's hand. Fp was confused. Alice was here? Then it all started to sink in.

"S-omething happened to Allie?" Fp asked as his voice cracked.

He hated being emotional. He viewed as being seen weak. Betty squeezed Jughead's hand tightly and then relaxed. Betty couldn't speak or utter a word. All her thoughts were frozen. She just was only able to nod her head, confirming Fp's question. Betty felt her pager vibrate. The doctor gave her a pager to update her. She looked at the message. "Your mother lost the baby. We are very sorry, Ms Smith." The message read. Betty felt her stomach lurch. Fp and Jughead reacted to Betty's face. It must of been not great news.

Then it dinged again. Betty wiped her mouth. She read it. " Ms Smith, I forgot to explain. What room are you in?" The doctor paged said. Betty looked at her mouth bemused. She then type back a reply. "I'm in room 216. The second floor.". Then got another ding." I will be there in a few minutes." It said. Betty looked up from her phone and a confused expression was written on her face. Jughead grabbed the pager and read it. Was he no longer a big brother? He just found yesterday. This wasn't fair. Fp was confused. Why did Betty get quiet all of a sudden?

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