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Chapter 29 - Complicate

Betty finally reaches her mom's hospital room. She overheard something from behind the door. She opened the door just a little crack. "Ms, Smith your baby is okay. You are very dehydrated. You need to get your rest. Your family is here to see you." Betty heard from the otherside of the door. Her mom is pregnant. Oh god. This is wow. She couldn't believe it. She was honestly shocked. She didn't notice the doctor come to the door. The door banged open. Betty eyes were met with her mother's swollen eyes. Betty's eyes were opened to the horror she saw. Her mom had marks all over her body. Every inch was covered in blisters and cuff circle marks. Betty felt the tears bursting out. She couldn't control them. Betty raced to her mom's side.

"Mom! Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Betty exclaimed as she hugged her mother tightly.

Alice was overwhelmed with shock and scaredness. She never seen her daughter so upset. Not even when Jughead got hurt. Her first instinct was to ask about Fp. She was beyond petrified of the outcome. She heard the screams in her ears again and again as she felt her throat go dry. Betty lifted her head to see her mother in full on tears.

"Betty, I need you to tell me how Fp is." Alice pleaded as her swollen eyes burned from the aching tears. Betty hasn't seen Jughead since he went to see his father.

"M-mom Fp is the ICU. They don't know if he will make it through the night." Betty paused for momet and then continued. "Mom I know about the baby. Why didn't you tell me?" Betty asked as tears burned her cheeks and fell onto her mother's hospital grown. Alice was still comprehending the news about Fp. She was stunned to hear about Betty knowing.

"Betty you weren't supposed to hear that. And I-I just found out after two days of morning sickness. And w—hen I told Fp. H-e He was barely holding on. Betty I'm scared I will have to raise this baby on my own." Alice choked out into sobs. Betty listened to her mother's fragile state. She had no idea what she was going to say to her mom. This wasn't a normal situation.

"Mom, I will help you, Okay. I know I'm not much help and you need financial help. But I can get a job at pop's or baby sit or—." Betty was cut off by her mother shaking her head.

"Betty, no you don't have to do that. I can figure it out. I still have the register. And now that your father is in prison again for attempted murder and kidnapping. He will be locked out for a long long time, Betts I'm so glad I'm here with you. Instead of... the ground or wor-." Betty cut her off. She didn't want to hear the last word. She was just so unbelievably happy her mom was safe.

"Mom, I will do the baby sitting. Do have any idea how long have been waiting for a younger sibling? It's been a long time, Mom." Betty confessed as she stroked her mother's hair behind her bruised ear. Betty watched her mother flinch. She knew how much trama she went through. But she never knew what it was like the watch someone living in fear every possible moment.

"Betty it's okay. I'm just very shaken up. Y-our father is an awful man. I hope he rots in hell." Alice spat in complete hatred as tears of anger slid down her cheeks. Betty stared at her mom's eyes and felt her own tears burning in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around her mom. Protecting her with all the protection she had left. She never hated someone as much as she hated her father.

Fred was walking by when he saw Jughead clinging to his father. It was heart-shattering to watch him clinging desperately to anything as tears were dried onto his cheeks. Fred knew about their rocky relationship. After Fp stopped drinking, things were better. Then Clifford Blossom made him take the fall for Jason blossom's murder. He walked up the bed where Jughead was sound asleep. He grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and threw it gently over Fp and Jughead. They always say you can't turn back time. At this point Fred just wanted to turn back the time. He knew that Fp didn't deserve this. Jughead and Betty didn't deserve all this chaos.

Jughead felt something throw over him. He didn't bother moving his head or a muscle. He hoped and prayed his dad would be alright. Jones's are strong and fighting men. Jones never give up. Jughead squinted his eyes. With his squinted eyes he saw a glimpse of the Serpents. Toni was on the left of Sweet Pea. Fangs was the right of Sweet Pea. Jughead was happy to see his buddies. Serpents take care of their own.

"Jones, we are so sorry for your situation." Sweet Pea voiced softly not knowing what to say. Toni just glared at Sweet Pea. She knew how much Fp meant to Jughead. She shoved Sweet Pea out of her way and stood in front of the bed.

"Jughead, I'm so sorry. And you know I don't talk about my feelings, like ever. I just wanted to say that he will be missed." Toni stated in a soft tone. Jughead didn't expect the Serpents to be here. He eyed everyone in the room. Including Fred. Who looked over at the group of teens and half smiled. He wasn't a fan of Jughead hanging with these people. But he knew he couldn't control jughead.

"Toni, I appreciate the effort. I know you don't talk about your feelings much." Jughead stated in cool tone.

"Jughead, Serpents take care of their own. Fp is a very special member of us Serpents. And we kicked out Tall boy after he tried to overrule your father." Fangs interrupted as his tone grew cold. "We found out he was the one who cut off the pickins head. He tried to take you down, Jughead." He grumbled as his face contorted with anger.

"He did what!" Jughead exclaimed as he jaw clenched. Toni watched Jughead's face consume with anger. She heard about Precious Hal cooper and his revengeful plan. She was so angry hearing from Sweet Pea what happened. It made her want to storm down to police station and beat him to a plump.

"Jughead it's all taken care of." Toni sighed as she walked up to jughead. Jughead heard a low growl. It sounded like someone he heard before.

"Oh Fp you really did go soft." A mocked voice shook the room.

Jughead turned his head to see Tall boy standing there with his arms crossed his chest. Toni tried to resist the urge to not to knock Tall boy on his ass. Sweet pea pulled Toni back from lurching at Tall boy. Toni pried loose and attacked Tall boy. Toni was always the one to pick a fight.

"You have the nerve to come here and say that!" Toni screamed as she crawled his arms with her freshly sharpened nails. Tall boy growled as her nails dug into his skin leaving redden blood marks.

"Hey, Hey Ton calm down! You're going to get yourself arrested!" Sweet Pea warned as he tried to grab her arm. Toni bit back a sniff. She was so beyond done with his low life. It would of been what Fp would of called him.

"Fine you win, Sweet Pea!" She yelled as she removed her nails from Tall boy's skin.

She stormed out of the room and the boys grabbed Tall boy. Fred stood there still trying to figure out what even happened. He decided to have a talk with Jug. He wasn't sure what was going to happen when Fp didn't wake up or does. He honestly didn't want to think of that. He missed Fp. He didn't know what he was going to do when Fp.. he didn't want to finish that thought.

"Jug, Can we talk?" Fred asked in soft tone as he put a hand on Jughead's shoulder. Jughead looked away from the door Toni and the other Serpents went of. As he looked up. He saw Fred's eyes. He didn't want to have the life or death talk right now. But he just nodded his head. "Jug, you know I'm his emergency contact?" Fred asked in confirming tone. Jughead nodded and a frown formed.

"Yes. I know." Jughead replied holding break the tears. He wasn't this fragile guy. He knew his father wasn't the best. That didn't mean he didn't want to ever see his dad again. "Mr A, do you think he will make it? And be honest with me." Jughead said in a painful tone. Fred thought about it. Did he think Fp was going to survive. He had seen Fp with lesser injures. All he knew was at this point was that he hated Hal more than everything.

"Jughead, I don't know. He came here with life threatening injures." Fred paused as he took a brief breath. He saw tears starting to appear in Jughead's eyes. "Hey bud, but when I was shot. I was in bad condition. But look at me now. Don't worry too much, he will be fine." Fred said in soothing tone as he rubbed his hand over Jughead's back. Jughead didn't have much strength left. He used that all when he found out his dad. He wiped his eyes and leaned into Fred's chest.

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