Unspoken Past

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Chapter 4 - Unspoken Past

Flashback to when Alice found she was pregnant

It was March 10 1992. Alice sat nervously in the bathroom of Riverdale High school. She can't be pregnant. It was only one time. She didn't mean to sleep with Fp. She waited impatiently for the test to say negative. The test stayed positive. The positive sign blinked brightly at her as tears rolled silently down her pink flushed cheeks. She exited the bathroom in her blue strapless prom dress. Hal tapped on her shoulder as walked down the hall. She turned around trying to cover that she was crying. Hal noticed her puffy eyes as she tried to cover her face. Hal grabbed her arm and pulled her towards an empty hallway.

Alice wasn't sure if she should tell him about her and Fp sleeping together one time last month. She knew it wasn't his baby. Because her and Hal haven't had sex yet. She lost her virginity when she was with Fp before they broke up.

Alice took a shaky breath before spilling her news she just found about. "Hal.. I'm pregnant. Its—" Alice began telling Hal but he stopped her. His face was a dark hot red. He knew exactly who got her pregnant. He wasn't born yesterday.

"Alice. How could you"! He yelled as more tears fell from her eyes. Alice let the falling tears continue to fall.

"Hal, I'm sorry. It was one time. I shouldn't of even done it. I was upset about you flirting with Hermonie" she confessed with her blue eyes still welling up with her tears. Hal was even more infuriated.

"So you cheat on me"! He shouted loud but not loud enough for the whole prom could hear.

"I said I'm sorry. Please don't leave me!" she begged as more tears burned her skin as they fell.

"I'm not going to leave you. I think you need have an abortion. You're too young to be a mother. You're not ready to take on that full responsibility"! He argued.

Alice couldn't believe what she just heard. He wanted her to kill her own baby. She wouldn't never ever do that. "I will never kill my baby"! She screamed as ran away as fast as she could with tears burning her cheeks.

Fp heard the shouting and crying coming from end of the hall. He knew it was Alice and Hal Cooper. He couldn't hear what they were exactly fighting about. He saw her run down hall right past him. He felt like he should go after her. He was still very hurt by her words.

6 weeks later

Alice was sent away to the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. She never even got the chance to tell Fp he was going to be a father. Yes she was only 17. She was willing to give up her life to make sure this baby would be hers. She hated it there. She felt captured in this stone cold world, Hal made her be in. She sat there and cried against the stone wall. She missed Fp so much. She regretted leaving to to be with Hal. He is awful to her. Fp would never treated this poorly ever.

Fp realized Alice was not at school. It was odd, because Alice had always perfect attendance even when she was a SouthSide Serpent. Fp walked into school with a glum look on his face. He was still upset what he heard happened at prom. Where did he send her off to and why? Fp pushed passed the crowed of people in his way to get to Hal. "Where is Alice,Hal Cooper"? Fp asked as he pushed Hal to the wall. Hal had this smirk on his smug face.

"She's on vacation" Hal said as he continued to flirt with the girls in front him. Fp was still really pissed off. He missed Alice so much. He hated how they left things.

"How long will she be on vacation"? He asked humorlessly as he cocked an eyebrow. Hal knew how he was going get out of this. "She will be gone for 5 months. She had a family member get sick and she's doing online school until her family gets better" Hal stated as he smiled at the girls knowing he was getting away with this. Fp won't get Alice back and that's pretty damn clear he won't. Fp was having a very hard time believing Hal's story. It seemed so real and not fake. It was hard to know if it was the truth.

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