Burned Images

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Chapter 8 -Burned Images

Jughead woke up to his alarm blaring. He slammed his hand down on the snooze button. He didn't want to get out of bed. All he wanted to do was sleep or maybe eat. Jughead loves to eat. Jughead felt his stomach rumbles underneath his his comforter. He groggily poked his foot out of the warmth of his comforter. The room was a lukewarm temperature. He still didn't want to fully get out. His alarm blarred once again, jolting jughead to hit the end button. He stood up to his feet. The weight made the floor underneath him creak. Jughead tiptoed his way to the living room couch. He didn't even notice his father making eggs, bacon and pancakes. Fp watched Jug walk right passed him without even acknowledging him. Fp whistled causing Jughead to turn his head around. Jughead heard whistling coming from the kitchen. He turned around to be surprised that his father was up and making breakfast. Fp smirked when he saw his son's shocked face. He was finally making an improvement. Fp has been out of prison for nearly a week now.

"Jug, come get a plate and sit at the table." He called from the kitchen.

Jughead went to the kitchen, grabbed his plate of food and sat at the table. Fp grabbed the pancakes he made and placed two pancakes that were perfectly shapped on the two plates. Fp was actually feeling accomplished with himself. It was something he actually enjoyed doing. Making breakfast for him and his son was a thing he loved doing. Jughead was impressed on how delicious the pancakes looked, he hoped they even tasted as good as they looked. It was almost like Betty cracker, the women on the box, professionally made them.

"Dad, this look great." Jughead chipped as he grabbed his fork and knife. Fp looked up from his plate and smiled.

"Thanks Jug. I bet you're surprised, we aren't eating from pop's." He stated as he shoved some pancake in his mouth. Jughead watch his father in amusement as he tried to shove a big piece of pancake in his mouth and started chocking a little bit. After Fp stopped coughing, he grabbed his orange juice and took a sip, before placing it back on the table. "Yes I am actually shocked that you made breakfast." He said as a smile crossed his morning face. Fp looked up at his son and watched jug's smile grow wider.

"Jug, Doesn't Betty get out today?" His father asked in a calm tone. "Yes she does. Al— I mean Mrs C gets out tomorrow." He slips to his father as he watched his father's smile disappear. He knew he hit a soft place in his fathers heart. Fp looked a little sick. Jug was obviously just conveying that Alice was getting out. Fp never stopped thinking about her, not even in his dreams. He tried so hard to burn away the images and memories of them being together. That was years ago.

"Oh that's good." He said shortly before stuffing another piece of cut up pancake in his mouth. Jughead was already stuffed after eating his two large pancakes, eggs and bacon. Jug rubbed his full stomach in satisfaction. He hadn't eaten a meal that good in awhile. He felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He pulled out and saw a text from Archie. He read the text and slowly glupped down his rest of his juice. "Dad, I'm going to pop's. Betty is home. She couldn't handle being at the house by herself. Archie and Betty are already there. I will see you at 6." He told his father before grabbing his coat. Fp nodded his head and drank some Juice. "Okay, Jug. Tell me if you find out anything new with her mother." He asked his son. Jug nodded his head and closed the door behind him.

Fp was now all by himself. He got up from the table. He started clearing the table, he grabbed the dishes and brought them to the sink. After the dishes we washed, he decided to do some laundry. He picked up the clothes and put them in the washer. He hit start and headed back to his living room.

Archie and Betty pulled into the parking lot. Betty was craving pop's milkshakes since she was in the hospital. She and Archie sat at their usually table. She ordered her chocolate milkshake and her burger. Archie got himself a chocolate milkshake and some fries. Betty was complanting how she was going to tell jughead, she kissed Archie the night of her attack. Archie felt more guilty as he looked at Betty and saw how she was barely hungry. But she did slurp down her milkshake down pretty quickly. Archie thought she would get a brain freeze. The bell rang, when Jughead walked through the door. He sat right next to Betty, who was facing Archie. He leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips. He could tell she had cherry chapstick on it, it was pretty sweet.

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