Frozen In Time

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~ Fp isn't dead. His body has a lot of recovering to make up. Please don't get mad. I promise you will get a good end.~ Aut.

Chapter 28- Frozen In Time

It was like no other day at Riverdale High. Jughead was just in his chem, when his name and Betty's name was called over on the loud speaker. "Jughead Jones and Betty Smith report to the principle's office immediately." Principle Wetherbee called over the speaker. Of course Jughead was confused. Were they in trouble? Betty walked out of her classroom and made her way to the principal's office. Archie looked over at Roni and Kevin with worry in his eyes. Roni and Kevin shared the same worried look. They asked for passes out of class. Archie begged his algebra 2 teacher to let him out.

"Why should I let you out, Mr Andrew's?" His teacher asked in a teacher tone. Archie didn't have time to explain his teacher why.

"Ms Jackson, I promise you it's for a good reason. My friends mom was kidnapped by her evil psychotic ex-husband." Archie explained to his teacher as a pit awakened his stomach. He wanted to throw up. What Hal has done made him so sick. How could someone do that? Ms Jackson shared an compassion filled nodded and wrote him a pass.

Jughead walked slowy to the office. He was terrifed of the outcome. He prayed to god that it wasn't bad news. He wasn't much of a believer of god. But he knew sometimes you just have to pray. Cheryl was at her locker when she saw Jughead walking right passed. She saw his exhausted eyes. She was worried.

"Jughead, are you okay?" Cheryl asked as she closed her locker and walked up to him leaving an comforting hand on his shoulder. Jughead was shocked how nice Cheryl was being. It surprised him. He expected a nasty remark about him and his serpent life.

"No really... principle Weatherbee called me down to office. And I have a feeling it is bad news." Jughead stated softly as he left his his shoulders droop down. Cheryl pulled jughead in for a hug. He wasn't sure how to react at first. But he gave in and let her wrap her small but soft delicate arms around him.

"Jughead, I'm sorry about what has happened. I know I seem like a bitch. But jughead, I'm just really broken inside. My mom doesn't even care that I survived my drowned. She only cared about Jason. I know about the whole Betty and you having a brother. But I can't be a bitch cause her mother was kidnapped by her revengeful ex-husband. And I'm so sorry about the pain he had caused you and your father. I hope he burns in hell, if that helps." Cheryl states as she pull out of the hug. Jughead looked up and saw little droplets on her cheeks.

"Cheryl, I'm sorry about your mother not caring. I had no idea it was that bad at your place." Jughead says as he wipes her tears away with his thumb. Cheryl smiled through the tears.

"Thanks jughead. I own you one." She said as she walked back to her locker and headed back to class.

Archie saw Cheryl walk into her class. Jughead looked almost desperate to know. Archie couldn't stand seeing his friend so hurt. He walked up to Jughead.

"Jug, you want me to come in with you?" Archie asked concernly.

Jughead just nodded his head and him and Archie entered the office. Betty was already sitting in the blue chairs. She look like she wanted to cry. Betty watched her principle's face darken slowy as he saw Jughead enter the office. Jughead and Archie saw the face darken too. This made Betty clench her fists. She wasn't angry but she also did it when she was anxious. Veronica was next to enter the office. Weatherbee was confused why the others showed up. But he didn't think he should push the issue. He had to explain to Jughead what happened.

"You know I only called Betty and Jughead here?" Weather voiced as he sat down in his chair eyeing Jughead in a sad expression. Archie, Kevin and Veronica nodded their heads. Weatherbee let out a heavy sigh before explaining.

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