Bad Intentions

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Chapter 2- Bad Intentions

The Next Morning

Fp woke up with this burning in his eyes. His head was throbbing, hands hurt like hell. He looked down at his hands and saw 3 inch cuts on both his palms. Fp was confused why his knuckles were bruised and black. He must of gotten very drunk last night. As he got out of bed his legs felt like they were standing on nails. Fp felt his stomach roll as he stood up. He found his way to the bathroom. As he looked in the mirror, he saw his face. His face was bruised and black. FP started to think about his decision on going to the bar. He was so stupid. He should of known he would of gotten out of control. And once again he disappointed Jug. He hated making his son angry. He wanted to be a great father and not be a fuck up.but no he had to get himself all fucking hammered. He still wonder who brought him back home.

Fp's stomach rumbled as he went towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pull out some left over pizza. The pizza wasn't the greatest, Fp didn't really care he was starving. He looked up at the clock and noticed he was late for work at Pop's. He quickly got his work clothes on as headed out the door. He knew he was in trouble. He just started working at pop's. When we pulled up to pop's. It was 12:00, it wasn't too busy yet. He decided to get a boom and sweep the floors. Fp heard all about Fred being shot here. In the prison cells his cell mates were gossipers. He was so worried for his old friend, Fred. Fred took care of his son, when he was not able to. Pop Tate came around the corner. Pop Tate had a frown on his face. Fp's cleaning came to a halt. Pop Tate raised his eyebrow at him and signaled him to the back of the store.

"Mr Jones, why were you late this morning"? Pop Tate asked with his eyebrow raised. Fp inhaled the cleaning fumes as thought of a way to get out of this as the best as he can. He couldn't think of a good lie, so he told the truth.

"Pop Tate, to be honest I got really drunk. I'm sorry I was late. It won't happen again, I promise" Fp told Pop Tate sincerely as he looked down at his feet ashamed for his actions. Pop Tate wasn't sure if he should believe him. He could tell that one so many times from the others. But Fp seemed very sorry about being late. Pop Tate cleared his throat.

"Okay, I'm not firing you, Mr Jones. But this is a warning. If your late one more time, you're fired, got it" He ordered with an eyebrow raised. Fp was shocked he was giving a second chance. No one has ever giving him a second chance. He was usually was fired and kicked out the door. His father kicked him at the age 16. The same age as his son, jug. "Yes, Pop Tate I got it" Fp replied as he sweeped the floor.

Alice was up all night with Betty. She was crying the whole night. It's 7 in morning, She made breakfast for Betty, Polly if she visits and her husband Hal. Archie picked up Betty earlier for a project. Alice was a little concerned about her daughter being a Southside Serpent. She didn't want her daughter to make the same mistakes as her. She heard a knock at the door. She got up from the kitchen table. She opened the door, she saw Jughead. She welcomed him in.

"Mrs cooper, Tell Betty I'm really sorry. I just didn't want her to be a serpent. And yes I did follow my fathers footsteps. But that doesn't mean I don't care about her safety. I know what us serpents have to do and I don't want her getting involved" Jughead explained to Alice as he ruffled with his jet black hair. The same hair as his father used to have. Though Fp never wore a beanie, he wore the Serpent's jacket. Alice stood there listening to him rant to her about Fp's drinking again. When she found out, she was shocked. He worked so hard to get himself of her shit hole of a situation.

"Fp is drinking again"? Alice asked as she fussed with her hair. Jughead nodded is head and look back down his feet. Alice wondered why Fp started drinking. Then something clicked in head. She realized that why he started drinking, she broke his heart. She didn't mean to make him drink his hurt away. All a sudden Alice felt her stomach churn with guilt. Jughead noticed her face turn pale. That sorta worried him.

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