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Chapter 41 ~ Getaway

As the sun rose the next morning. Jughead's eyes flutter open. He moved her away from him and crawled out of bed. He grabbed his jeans and buckled his pants. Next he threw his shirt over his head and lastly he grabbed his Serpent jacket. He slid his arms through the sleeves, smiling at the blonde who was still sleeping. He took out a piece of paper he got from her desk and wrote Betty a message. He took the pen out his case and started writing it. - Betts, I had to go home. I will be back before you have to go back to the hospital - love Jug. Jughead grabbed the knob and gently opened the door. He softly closed behind him. He left her house, getting on his bike and driving off.

Fp woke up on the couch. He guessed he never went to sleep. His son was still not home. Worry started to pile up in him. Was he a bad father? He hoped he wasn't one. He wanted to be the best he can be. But getting shot really put a divider between his goal.

Jughead opened the door and softly closed it behind him trying to not wake his father. But little did he know his father was up waiting for him. Fp stared at his son with his hands on his hips with disappointment. Did his son deliberately ignore him? He hoped the hell not. Cause if he did. He would get in so much trouble with him.

"Boy, do you have any idea what time is it?" Fp noted as his son acknowledges his presence. Jughead turned around to meet his father's eyes boring into him. He knew he was in so much trouble.

"Dad, before you ground me." He paused briefly gathering his thoughts. " Betty didn't want to stay home alone. I wouldn't blame her." Jughead confessed softly. Fp turned toward his son. He had a feeling it was something else. Fp sighed and thought about what to say.

"Jug, I feel like you disobeyed me. This isn't the first time you have, Jug." Fp said narrowing his eyes taking a steady breath. Jughead felt drips of sweat his his back. If his dad noticed, he would be dead. Jughead walk to the kitchen. "Boy don't ignore me!" Fp scolded grabbing Jughead's hand. Fp noticed bite marks on his son's neck. He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what his son was doing.

"Dad..." Jughead paused and looked in the mirror. "Shit." He cussed as he met with his father's eyes. Fp stood there with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, Shit is right!" Fp irritably groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes. He shifted his eyes to the clock. Jughead followed his father's eyes to the clock. The clock read 7:20 in the morning. "Jug, were you at least safe?" Fp says in softer tone. Jughead felt his face get hot. He tried not to meet his eyes.

"Yes we were, Dad." He confessed as he looked down at his feet. He then looked up. "If it makes a little better. She's on the pill. So you won't be a grandfather anytime soon." Jughead chuckled as his face burned with embarrassment. Fp stared up his son and felt a chuckle trying to disobey his orders.

"Okay that does make me feel a little better." Fp chuckled moving in to give his son a hug. Jughead embraces the hug and feels a smile leave his face. Fp releases Jughead from the hug and smiles.

"Jug, you better get going. Don't be late. I don't need you to get truancy tickets for being late." Fp stated as he handed his son some left over noddles from late night's dinner.

Jughead took the bowl and took a few bites before setting the bowl on the counter, leaving the room to get dressed. He looked in his closet, he didn't find anything he really wanted to wear. He threw on a random shirt and his normal sweater before leaving the room and out of the trailer.

Betty opened her eyes and saw a white piece of paper in her nightstand. She picked it up with her eyes squinting and read it. - Betts, I had to go home. I will be back before you have to go back to the hospital - love Jug. She smiled at the little cursive writing on the page. He really did love leaving letters and marks. She threw her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. Her legs felt sore. But she read that's normal after sex. Especially after the first time. She roamed her closet with her soft hands. She found a penic skirt that was blue and a pale pink crop top and threw it on in the mirror. She did her hair, makeup and put on high heels.

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