Constant Reminders

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Chapter 49~ Constant Reminders

A few days go by, Jughead stares at the window. He missed his family. He wanted nothing more than just to be free. He has been beating, battered and bruised all over his body. Part of the reasons why was because he was fighting the whip. He had dried tears from the night before. His mind was still burned with the flashs and when he looked at his legs. The bruising hadn't cleared. He was for sure that wasn't the last of the beatings he will receive.

Alice had felt better after she confessed to Fp. She laid her hand out to touch the opposite side. She felt that Fp had moved from his spot on the bed. She crawled of bed and walked to her mirror. She slowly lifted up her tank top, revealing her stomach. She saw a small bump forming on her stomach. She pressed her hands over the bump, looking up in the mirror while a smile burned bright on her face. But the smile quickly vanished when she saw the calendar marked on the third day. Jughead has been missing for three days now. Today was Friday. She hated the fact that her life was a hot mess. Tears slipped off her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. She knew her daughter was hurting. But most of all she knew that Fp was barely holding on. She hadn't seen him eat in two days. This terrified her to the core. She was here trying to be strong for herself but she also had to be strong for Betty and Fp.

She pushed her shirt down, opening her door and heading downstairs. Once she was down stairs, she saw Fp staring at the new station on their tv. She hated how he was torturing himself by watching hours and hours of news reports. Betty noticed her mom staring at Fp with a worried look in her eyes. She knew that he hadn't got of that chair in days.

"He's still torturing himself?" She asked as she sighed, as she sat down at the kitchen table. Alice looked away from Fp and looked her daughter in the eyes.

"Yeah.. it's really hard to watch. It's been three days. I can't stand watching him do this to himself. It's breaking my heart. Today me and Fp are suppose to go to my appointment. Our first one together and I can't even get him to turn off that tv." Alice cried as she turns back to Fp. Betty pulled her mom into a comforting hug. She wiped her mother's eyes.

"Do you want to reschedule the appointment? Seeing your babies are suppose to be a joyful time. And it's not joyful right now, mom." She explained empathically. Alice nodded her head and just stayed slient.

Betty was tired of picking up the slack around the house. She started cleaning the house, since her mom was still not allowed to clean. Not after her mother found her comdoms. That was a weird experience. She walked into the living room and stood front of the tv. She heard Fp groan and saw him roll his eyes. "Betty, please move." He asked nicely as his patience was wearing thin. Betty stood her ground.

"No, I'm not going to have you continue torturing yourself. This isn't healthy. I'm sorry that this happened. But you can't just give up. Now get off your ass and take my mom to her appointment! She shouldn't have to pity you. You know I can't fall apart! And I'm his girlfriend! How do you think I feel? Do you realize that if you start drinking? That my mom will get up and leave just like last time! She won't have that around her children! Get up and take a fucking shower for fuck sake!" She snapped angrily as she grabbed the remote and turned off the power. Fp stared at her in disbelief. Those words left that girl's mouth. He knew she was right.

"Did you just yell at me, Betty?" He snipped as he stood up abruptly. She stepped back and his face softened. "Betty, I'm sorry for putting all this pressure on you. I will get up and go. I'm just so worried about him. I have no clue where he is or who has him." He stated as his eyes glistened with tears. Betty knew she shouldn't take his words to heart. She knew that he was in pain.

"I know... I'm sorry for being so harsh. It's just that I'm so exhausted from taking care of my mom and then coping with the fact that j-uggie isn't here." She let out a pent up sigh as tears rolled down her cheeks. Fp hated watching her cry. It broke his heart.

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