Obstacles To Expected Knocks

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Chapter 74- Obstacles To Unexpected Knocks

It all started on a random Saturday morning, Jellybean, Jughead and Sweet Pea were called into a meeting. Jughead started up Alice's car, He borrowed from Alice because Sweet Pea was still looking for a new vehicle for him, Jellybean and their little one. Jellybean climbed into the back seat, while Sweet Pea sat in the front trying to avoid Jughead's glares. Boy it was going to be a long ride.

Alice and Fp were able to patch things and now They're stronger than ever, happier than ever. Jared Richards was sentence to life in prison, and Gladys was sentence to seventy-Seven years in prison. Everyone couldn't be more okay with that outcome. Jughead, Fp and Sweet Pea rather kill them. But laws and restrictions weren't allowed. And to please Fp, Andrew Hills came to their house to apologize, it backfired and He got a soccer punch to the gut. Alice didn't snap, She just threw out of her house. He made comment about her boobs and Fp flipped his lid. Later she took Fp out for a ride.

Three days later, A knock wakes the sleeping Jones family up. First to get up was Alice, she was already up with Jellybean. They were sitting in the kitchen gossiping about the families in Riverdale. Jellybean was drinking decaf coffee, since regular coffee was a no-no while she was pregnant. Betty sat down at the table, rubbing her tried eyes. She was up all-night working on her project she and Cheryl have been working on. Jughead grabbed a piece of bacon off his little sister's plate and stuck out his tongue. Jellybean rolled her eyes, scowling and gave him the finger. He laughs and Alice scolds the teens and they bring to eat quietly.

Lastly, Fp finally wakes up. His eyes meet the delightful french toast and crispy bacon displayed on the table as he walks into the sunlit kitchen. He sits down next to Alice not before giving her a good-morning kiss. Alice begins to flush red and hides her face with her hands."Morning." He greets in an abnormal cheerful tone. Jughead looked over at his father with a strange look. Fp caught his son looking at him, looked at him."What?" Jellybean notices how oddly happy he was and smirked."Okay, someone seriously tell me if I have syrup on my face."

Jughead starts laughing and his dad quickly goes impatient."No you don't." Fp looks around and sees Alice joining them on the laughing feast."Then, what's so funny?" Jellybean laughs and keeps smirking. "No, It's just your never happy. Especially in the morning."She added as she took another sip of her coffee.

Fp rolled his eyes, looked over at them and scoffed."And I can't be happy in the morning?" Everything was almost back to normal. Almost was the keyword. "Well... not necessarily." She added before they heard a knock at the door again. The first was before her dad woke up. Now there was a third knock.

Fp stopped eating and looks over at Alice's frazzled expression on her face. She started get up from her chair, looking around the room for any voluteers. She didn't see any. So She causally strutted to answer the door. Once she opened the door. She couldn't believe her own eyes. After no calls, emails or even a freaking letter. She couldn't forget the deep tissue damage she was caused. Her feet seemed stuck and She couldn't stop thinking about the last time they'd spoken to each other.

Pain runs deep, coming undone and snatching her alive. She can't speak, move or even breathe. She feels like she could faint from the shock and betrayal. It only gets harder when her visitor begins to speak. "Mom, I didn't know you moved..." Her oldest daughter, Polly Cooper said slowly and Alice feels like she's going to faint.

Polly looked almost the same as she did a year ago, that was the last time Polly returned home. Before Hal almost her killed, and way way before He was the Black Hood. Same Blonde features as she always had. Other then her hair wasn't in a hairband. Her hair was in a slick-back ponytail and Juniper and Dagwood in both arms. They looked so grown. Well for a year they did.

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