Chapter 3. Life without Micah

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Andreas's P.O.V

After Noah dropped me off, i walked into our house and was surprised to hear from my parents that the king himself had called them to say that i was going to visit his pack after school. My parents were having dinner and they asked me to join them. I really wanted to decline their offer because the scenes of what had happened that afternoon were still fresh on my mind but i knew that by doing so my parents would start asking me questions that i wasn't ready to answer yet so joined them.

I just sat there playing with my food while my parents were talking about pack issues. I only looked up when i heard my father ask me "What would you like to do for Layla's birthday this saturday Andreas?" I looked in shock at my father because i completely forgot that Layla was turning sixteen on saturday. "You should pay more attention to your luna Andreas" scolded my mother me seeing my reaction and i really wanted to shout that Layla wasn't my luna yet but stayed quiet.

I just sighed then answered my father's question with "I'll ask Layla what she wants do for her birthday dad because she'll never be satisfied if i planned something for her myself". My father frowned at me then said "You better do it fast Andreas because you only have four days left and i don't want people to say that i don't do enough for my future daughter in law". My breath hitched when i heard the term daughter in law out of my father's mouth and i then asked myself "Why does that term sting me so much?"

I was glad when my parents went back to discussing whatever they were discussing and i then went back to playing with my food. Dinner was soon over and i quickly went to my room. The first thing i did when i stepped into my room was take all my clothes off then step into the shower. I wore something comfortable after my shower then went to lie on my bed. I put my right hand behind my head then started staring at the ceiling. I was afraid to close my eyes because i didn't want to see the images of that afternoon again.

I can't imagine how Noah must be feeling right now i thought to myself and started thinking about the king and his children. I felt blessed when i got a chance to witness up close how powerful the king, his mate and his children were but my heart broke when i saw the king's mate disappear into the rift. I couldn't take my eyes off Noah's brother because of how gorgeous and powerful he was. I had met him once before when he healed my father but i was too much in pain at that moment to look at him. The odd thing was that Noah didn't resemble his brother and i really wanted to ask him why.

I was lost in my thoughts and got startled when i heard my phone ring. I really wished that it was Noah but knew that it was just wishful thinking on my part because Noah didn't even have my phone number. I groaned when i saw Layla's name on my phone screen because i wasn't in the mood to talk to her. I never bit Layla to forge a bond with her because i didn't want to mark her before my wolf Gael and i were sure that she was truly our mate. So Layla and i were not able to communicate through the mind link yet. And i'm happy that i made that dicision now seeing how Layla has been acting lately.

I didn't want to pick up the phone but knew that she would call my mother next so i picked it up. "Where were you Andreas?" asked Layla me before i could even greet her and i realized that she was angry by the tone of her voice. I sighed and then replied to her with "Hi Layla, i was with Noah, why?" "Do you mean Noah Lockwood the guy everyone is talking about at school Andreas and how do you even know him?" asked Layla me and i just said to her "Look Layla i'm really tired right now and i was just about to go to bed before you called me. So can we talk about all this another day because i'm really not in the mood to talk right now".

Layla sighed at me then said "I understand Andreas but my parents want to talk to us about my birthday party tomorrow so be prepared". I really wanted to reply to Layla with "I have other things to worry about right now than your birthday party" but knew that it wouldn't be fair to her so said "Ok". I then cut off the phone call and switched my phone off. I tried to close my eyes but immediately saw the image of the crying Noah in front of my eyes.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now