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Hello everyone, this is the second "Lost and found" book. So i like to say to the readers who are new to the story, please read the first book before you start reading this book to find out more about the characters. I promise you that you won't be disappointed :)

Noah's P.O.V

We had just moved back into our old house when my mother asked me to go to the local store to buy groceries for her because she was busy redecorating our house. I wasn't happy with the reason why we had to move because Knightly Silverstone didn't deserve my brother Micah in my eyes even when he was now pregnant for the second time with his kids.

I was there when my brother screamed in pain and coughed up blood because Knightly Silverstone had so cruelly rejected him. We were all in fear of losing Micah and i can't even count how many times i caught my mother, my father or even my brother Mattew break out crying because they couldn't do anything to ease Micah's pain.

But my father explained to us before we moved that this was Micah's destiny and that no one could do anything to change that not even Micah himself. All we could do as his family was to support him no matter what because Micah would do the same for us. I loved my brother Micah very much and would do anything for him so settled with the move. I was proud to have a powerful and smart brother like Micah. I would always smile when our fellow angels told me that Micah was destined to become one of the seven archangels.

I may have never told Micah how much i loved him due to us not being so close but i always hoped to get a chance one day to do so. I had a better bond with my brother Mattew because we were similar to each other. We were both all about the power and actions first, questions later. Mattew used to babysit me al lot too when i was younger which caused me to forge a tighter bond with him than Micah. Seeing that Micah may think that i loved Mattew more than him but Mattew knew that it wasn't true and he even told me to talk to Micah about it but i was waiting for the right opportunity.

I stepped into the truck that used to be Mattew's. He gave me the truck as a birthday present because i always wanted it. It was a black expensive GMC truck that felt like it was made for me. We were living amongst humans again so we weren't allowed to use our powers freely or i would have casted a spell to take me to the store. I started the car after making sure that i had the list with me and smiled when i heard the car roar to life.

When i reached the store, i jumped out of the truck after parking it and then made my way to the front door of the store. The girl that was at the cash register smiled at me and i smiled back at her. It looked like she was my age but i didn't bother to recognize her. I grabbed a shopping cart after sensing where everything was then walked to the isle of the vegetables. I quickly put everything that was on the list into the shopping cart and was just about to walk to the cash register when i heard my mother's voice through the mind link saying "Noah, i forgot to put apples on the list. Can you grab some before you leave and make sure that they're fresh otherwise Kingsley won't eat them".

I smiled to myself when i heard Kingsley's name because i could already picture him shaking his head at my mother and saying "I don't want them mama because they're old". My mother asked Kingsley once what he meant by old and Kingsley gave her an whole explanation about how the apple must make a crunchy sound when he bites into it then eats it. The only thing that my mother could say to Kingsley in return when she heard his explanation was "You're too spoiled Kingsley". My mother then walked away with a smile on her face and planted an apple tree next to our house the next day.

We had to move unfortunately and i now had to make sure that i bought fresh apples for my nephew. I could see the fruit section from where i was standing and walked up to it while going through the list one more time to make sure i had everything. I could see the glistening apples and knew that they were fresh. I reached my hand out and grabbed a bag of apples while still looking at the list and got startled when i felt someones else's hand on my hand.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now