Chapter 32. The haunting of the twins Part 1

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Knightly's P.O.V

I could feel that there was something wrong with Micah but every time I tried to ask him what was going on with him he just dodged my question and talked about something else instead. I had decided to ask Micah out to dinner when I was done with the whole opening of the child care centre so we could spend some time alone together. I was planning on booking a whole restaurant in another town for us to make sure no one saw us together and if Micah didn't agree with that idea then I was even prepared to spend some time home alone with him while the pups were away with Lidia and Mike.

I was glad that the opening of the child care centre went smoothly and the pups behaved accordingly thanks to Micah's parents. I got irritated by some of the reporter's questions because they wanted to know why I still had a close relationship with Micah's parents despite already being divorced from him and I just answered their question with "My children need their grandparents even if their father isn't allowed to be with them".

I didn't want to punish the pups by staying too long at the child care centre because of all the media and came back home early with them. I was glad that Micah was already at home by the time we came back and I decided to go catch up on some work after dropping the pups off because Lidia and Mike were still with Micah at the apartment. I had asked Mark to prepare some food separately for my family and to pack it when he was done because I knew that the pups wouldn't be in the mood to eat at the event seeing how Micah wasn't there with them and I was right about that because none of the pups left my side during the whole event. They missed Ezekiel and Ignatius because they were with Sylvia at the apartment and I felt guilty about the whole situation. It was like I was robbing them of their happiness and I felt helpless about it.

I couldn't bring Ezekiel and Ignatius with us because of the mission and I really wished that it was over soon seeing how the pups were suffering in the process of it. I had really hoped that Amell and Althea would explore the whole child care centre so they could warm up to the idea of going there during the day but it seemed like Micah and I had to prepare ourselves for all the crying and separation anxiety of the pups. The twins just kept clinging onto me while Kingsley kept trying to persuade them to join him in playing with the other kids but they didn't want to. Kingsley eventually gave up when he saw that his brother and sister were uncomfortable with all the cameras around. He then stayed by my side after that to support his siblings like the good big brother he is and I was proud of him.

I was happy to see that the other kids were having fun and many parents came to thank me for opening the child care centre's door free of charge for their children. It was never in my mind to ask a fee from the parents because I knew that most of the kids that would go there would be from our pack or our town and that is why I even built a safe room under the building for the kids. And I made sure that the parents knew that their children would be safe from harm during an attack. I was glad when I was finally done with my work and was just about to walk out of my office to go home when Nicholas walked into my office to remind me about the interview and the photo shoot that I had on my schedule the next day. I groaned inwardly when I realized that I wouldn't be able to spend some time with Micah like I had planned again. I then decided to talk to Micah about spending some time together on Sunday when I arrived home but he was then busy with the pups and Noah.

 Micah was having fun with the pups and Noah while sitting on the floor when I arrived home and I joined them. It didn't take long for Ignatius to wake up too but he quickly fell asleep again when Micah started singing a song in his beautiful angel voice. All the pups and Noah were soon asleep and Micah then casted a spell to place the twins, Ezekiel and Ignatius into their cribs. He then casted a spell to place Noah and Kingsley in their bed while making sure that they were comfortable. I could sense that Micah was exhausted while he was still close to my chest and I then said to him while running my fingers through his hair "Why don't you go take a shower while I'll go check up on the pups and Noah, love".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now