Chapter 47. Maynor's heart Part 2

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Maynor's P.O.V

I could see by the way the kids were behaving that they were faking everything. There was no freaking way that they could be caught this easily because they were powerful beings. Amitiel was still bleeding heavily and I started to feel his pain too. I couldn't understand why I was feeling his pain when we weren't even mated yet. I heard Leviathan burst out laughing when he saw me looking puzzled at Amitiel and he then said to me to taunt me "Why are you so shocked to feel the same kind of pain as Amitiel my dear cousin. He's your true mate so you are bound to feel his pain or don't you know the meaning behind being mates".

I looked in shock at Leviathan when the realisation of Amitiel's death resulting in my own death hit me. I could hear the demons around me snicker and I started cursing Micah for taking my powers away. I quickly put my hand on Amitiel's wound to try to stop the bleeding and Leviathan kicked me immediately away from Amitiel. I growled loudly and then slowly got up while thinking "I still have my combat skills so will die fighting". Leviathan walked menacingly up to me and I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"Why the hell are you chuckling at me when you're about to die Maynor?" yelled Leviathan at me and I then replied to him with "I'm sorry my dear cousin but I can't get the image of your scrawny former self out of my head". Leviathan frowned at me and I then continued with "Do you remember how pitiful you were when your mother and father threw you away for being weak and my dear father Lucas, oh moon goddess bless his soul had to take you in". "Shut up Maynor!" yelled Leviathan as response at me and then continued with "I was more a son to your parents than you were to them Maynor and I know that they loved me more than they ever loved you".

I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I heard what Leviathan had said and uttered "Have you forgotten that we are demons Leviathan and we as demons don't know words like love and compassion so watch what you're saying in front of your stupid followers before they realize how weak and pathetic you really are". It looked like Leviathan was ready to kill me by the way he was seething in anger and I then added to rile him up even more "Or are you planning to call out to your estranged mommy when I beat you to a pulp next. Tell me how you're going to call out to her Leviathan is it going to be like this "Mommy!" or "Oh, please safe me mommy, Maynor is trying to give me a wet diaper". Alexandra and Aziel burst out laughing when they heard my remarks and the demons that were holding them threw them on the ground in anger.

Both kids started crying because they suffered injuries and I saw blood dripping out of Aziel's wound. Leviathan chuckled seeing how Alexandra threw her arms around her brother protectively and then uttered "I really can't see how they are powerful if they can be injured this easily. It seems like everything I heard about them were lies". I couldn't believe how stupid Leviathan actually was and said to him while shaking my head "Yeah, keep thinking like that Leviathan that will do you a lot of good but let me tell you this beforehand let sleeping dogs lie before you lose your head". I then felt a sharp pain in my heart and looked quickly into Amitiel's direction. It seemed like Alexandra and Aziel had felt the same pain by the way they were looking in fear at Amitiel. I knew now that they had aslo realized that Amitiel didn't have much longer to live.

They ran to Amitiel and Aziel then yelled while putting Amitiel's head on his lap "Please don't die uncle Amitiel, uncle Maynor can't live without you so please hold on. He will never stop crying if you die here so please hold on uncle Amitiel".  "Hey, don't spout nonsense Aziel!" I yelled at Aziel as soon as I heard what he said and felt Leviathan punch me in my stomach. I quickly balled up my fists to fight back and I was glad that my anger was even greater than my pain by then. I started punching Leviathan wherever I could and couldn't care less that he was swinging his sword like a maniac at me.

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