Chapter 7 The truth part 3

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Micah's P.O.V

I knew that if wanted to avoid any misunderstandings between Knightly and me then i had to tell him everything from the beginning. So when Knightly asked me "Can you tell me what the mission that the moon goddess gave you, was actually about love?" i took a deep breath and then continued with "I wanted to come back home as soon as the old vampire king pulled me into the underworld. He disappeared as soon as we landed in the underworld and i thought that it was unnecessary for me stay any longer there but the moon goddess suddenly appeared in front of me"

"She called out to me with "Micah Lockwood -Silverstone" then said "I'm here to give you a mission". I looked puzzled at her when i heard that then asked her "Why can't i complete my mission after giving birth to my son moon goddess. I have a feeling that he'll be born tonight by the way he has been acting up recently and my other children need me too" The moon goddess came closer to me and then replied to me with "We can't wait any longer child because the situation is getting more dire each passing day so we can't waste time anymore. And you need to be here to carry out the mission anyway".

Knightly was looking with a stunned expression on his face at me and i continued with "Trust me Knigh i had the same reaction as you because i thought that we had already eliminated the threat of the underworld but it looks like i was horribly wrong. The moon goddess then said "I'm sorry to say this child but another war is coming and i'm afraid that if you don't go find out what the demons are planning right now then it will be too late because they already have a powerful vampire at their side". 

I started running my fingers on the veins that were on Knightly's hands while thinking about what the moon goddess had said and felt him shiver as a response. I playfully placed a kiss on Knightly's cheek then continued with "I didn't want to go on a mission while carrying a child because i knew how painful that can be but as soon as the moon goddess was done talking i felt an excruciating pain and fell on the ground while clutching my belly".

"The moon goddess guickly came to help me and then put my head on her lap. She then looked at me and said "I know how painful this must be for you my child but i need one more child from you to make sure no one can harm my precious creations". "I can't do this anymore mother it's too painful" i yelled at her and saw tears roll down her cheeks. "What, why was she crying? asked Knightly me and i shook my head at him then answered his question with "I don't know either Knigh because she then casted a spell and i fell asleep with my head still on her lap".

"And when i woke up i was on a bed of roses and the moon goddess had Ignatius in her arms. She was looking lovingly at him and when she realized that i was awake she quickly walked up to me. She handed Ignatius over to me then said "Let Knightly Silverstone name this child my son because this will keep him grounded and help him control the fire burning within him". "As you wish mother" i said to the moon goddess and saw her eyes tear up again.

"The moon goddess then said to me "Go find out what they're up to Micah Silverstone-Lockwood and don't worry i'll keep an eye on the fiery one when you're not able to take him with you". I smiled at the moon goddess then replied to her with "Thank you mother". The moon goddess then disappeared and i started walking towards the demons headquarters. Luckily i already knew my way this time around so knew exactly where to go".

Knightly then suddenly asked me "Don't you think the moon goddess was being a little vague when she gave you the mission love and what did you feed Ignatius then because i'm sure he got hungry?" I placed a kiss on Knightly's wedding ring then replied to him with "You're right Knigh she was being a little vague but i think that she wanted me to make my own judgment on the things i discovered at the demons headquarters. And because i was sure that the moon goddess was by my side i casted a spell to make Ignatius older. I knew that she was going to make sure that we wouldn't get discovered so i fed him using spells too".

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