Chapter 81. Shock and awe Part 6

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Noah's P.O.V

Andreas and I were just done with our mission and we were now busy assessing the situation in Asia when I heard Micah suddenly call out to me with "Noah!" I was beside myself with joy when I realized that Micah was back and quickly hugged Andreas. "Is the king back?" asked Andreas me while cupping my face and I nodded with my head at him. Andreas kissed me softly on the lips in happiness and I smiled as response at him.

I heard Micah then suddenly say "Listen carefully Noah, I want you to come to the location where I am with Andreas. I'm almost done with my mission and I need you two to deliver something to Amell for me. I actually asked Amell to pick this certain object up by himself but the mission that he's currently on is taking longer than I expected so you two have to this instead of him. He'll take this certain object from you when you're back on earth and he'll then give it to Ignatius and Aadya because they're the only ones in the U.S at the moment". Many questions started to pop in my mind as soon as I heard what Micah had said and I couldn't help but ask him then "Where are you actually Micah?"

Micah chuckled and then answered my question with "I'm in heaven right now Noah because that's the only sacred place where I could carry out my mission". "He's talking in riddles again" I thought to myself while motioning to Andreas that we were going on a mission again and heard Micah then continue with "This mission is not going to be as easy as you think Noah and that's the reason why I'm going to hide Andreas's demon side for now. The archangels won't be happy if they ever find out that a demon dared to walk on their sacred ground so I'm turning him into an angel for the moment. The problem is that I had created a barrier around me because I didn't want anyone to detect me in heaven or find out what I'm capable of. It will be hard for you to break down the barrier and you also can't get passed it before defeating the guards that I have created or before answering some basic questions about me. The questions are meant to make sure that you won't share what you will see today with others".

I shook my head in disbelieve after listening to Micah and then asked him "Are you kidding Micah, who the hell has the time to answer some basic question about you in a time like this". Micah chuckled again and then replied to me with "Amell would have done it and weren't you crying just a moment ago for me Noah. What's the matter now and what's the harm in answering a few question about your big brother anyway, my dear little brother". I shook my head at Micah and then suddenly felt the ground shake beneath our feet. Andreas looked puzzled at me and I then yelled "Prepare yourself Andreas because this going to be a bumpy ride" at him.

Andreas quickly grabbed my hand while laughing and my eyes widened in shock when we were suddenly surrounded by different Micah's when we ended up in a big cave in heaven. They all pointed their weapons at us an my eyes then suddenly fell on my own brother. Micah was standing in the middle of the cave and I could see that he was concentrating on something. There was light coming out of the palm of his hands and I couldn't clearly see what my brother was doing because one the Micah's was hindering my visibility.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now