Chapter 15. Failure to recognize the threat

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Knightly's P.O.V

I had been boiling in anger the whole day because Andreas decided to reject Noah. I knew that Andreas had feelings for Noah so asked myself why Andreas actually rejected him. It felt like something was holding his wolf back from recognizing his true mate and the only thing i could come up with in his defense was that he was under a spell.

I was in a meeting with the neighboring packs alphas when i sensed that Noah was home early from school with Kingsley. I could feel his distress and wrapped my meeting up as soon as possible so i could go to his aid. I could sense that all the pups had already sensed what happened to their uncle so they were all quietly doing their own things by the time i arrived home.

Ignatius ran up to me the moment he sensed me and i could sense that he wanted to play with me. So i said to him while placing a kiss on his cheek "Can you go play with Sylvia while i go talk to your uncle Noah, fiery one because your uncle needs me right now". Ignatius nodded slowly with his head at me then said "It's okay daddy we can play later".

I smiled at Ignatius then said to him while handing him over to Sylvia "Thank you for being so understanding my pup". Ignatius squealed hearing the complement i gave him and i then added while placing a kiss on his forehead "I love you my fiery one". Ignatius squealed "I love you too daddy" and i smiled at him while he dangled his feet happily. I then walked into Kingsley's room after greeting my other pups.

Noah looked angrily at me when he sensed me in the room and the first thing that came out of his mouth was "This is all Micah's fault you know". I frowned at Noah and then asked him while crossing my arms "Really, how come?" Noah sighed at me then replied to me with "Because he should have aborted this mission when my father asked him to and because who knows what will happen next. I'm already rejected by Andreas and the pups are in despair because they miss each other".

I could feel that Noah was about to cry so walked quickly up to him. I pulled him into my arms then said "Your brothers and i will never allow someone to hurt you Noah and you already know this so please be patient because everything will be alright in the end. This is all". I got startled when Noah didn't even let me finish my sentence and pushed me roughly away from him. I looked in shock at him and he then asked me "Do you know how it feels to be rejected Knigh?"

I sighed then answered Noah's question with "No, i don't because your brother made sure that i didn't feel any pain when he was away from me". Noah shook his head at me hearing my reply and seeing that i quickly added "But that doesn't mean that i didn't feel anything Noah. What you're feeling now is nothing compared to what i felt when your brother left. I didn't even have one peaceful night in those four years because i kept having nightmares about him. I saw him every night bloodied and beaten lying in my arms while i couldn't do anything about it. I still live in fear of losing him one day like that so please don't take my feelings lightly".

Noah started sobbing suddenly and then whispered "I'm not as strong as you or Micah, Knigh and i want to understand all this but it's difficult when you feel like you're dying inside". I hugged Noah tightly again then said while caressing his back "We all understand your feelings Noah even the pups so you're allowed to let everything out but be careful about what you say to your brother because he's having a hard time as it is". Noah nodded with his head at me then replied to me with "I'll try Knigh but i'm angry and hurt right now so i don't know what i'll say to him when i see him".

I placed a kiss on Noah's forehead then said to him "I understand Noah and thank you for bringing Kingsley home with you. I'll contact the school tomorrow about you leaving early today so take a rest and i'll check up on you later". I went back to my office after that while Noah decided to take a nap. I could feel Micah's emotions throughout the day and i could sense that he was pushing his limits. I prayed to the moon goddess to end this mission as soon as possible because i could sense that Micah was pregnant again.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now