Chapter 33. The haunting of the twins part 2

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Knightly's P.O.V

Zachary Gaul looked at me in fear when I asked him why he had the scent of my blood on him and I could see that he didn't understand my question. That got me even more irritated and I grabbed him by his throat as result of it. Zachary's eyes widened in shock and I could see it in his eyes that he thought that he was about to die. He then asked me while gasping for air "I don't understand your question sir, please tell me what you actually mean".

I growled loudly then said "You have the scent of blood on you human and the scent that the blood is giving off belongs to me and only me". Zachary tried to break free from my grip and he then said when he failed in doing so "I don't know what you're talking about sir. The only thing that I know is that my son banged his knee against the bedpost before I came here. He started bleeding heavily from the wound so I had to treat him before leaving for work".

My heart skipped a beat when I heard what Zachary had said and I asked him then "You have a son?" Zachary nodded with his head at me and then replied to me with "And a daughter sir, they are twins". I let Zachary fall on the floor as soon as I heard his answer and then yelled "Where are they now human?" Zachary looked in fear at me then replied to me with "Please leave them alone sir, I don't know what's going on here but they're just innocent children. I beg you sir, you can do anything that you want with me but don't hurt my children".

Star started growling in the back of my mind because he didn't get the answer that he wanted to hear and I then grabbed Zachary by his color. "Tell me where they are before I kill you human" I commanded Zachary in my alpha king's voice and he then replied to me with while shaking heavily in fear "They're at the Richmond motel in room 44. I hired a babysitter for them for today so they are with her right now". I tried to sense if the kids were at the motel but I couldn't find them so I had no other choice than to call out to Micah. I pushed Zachary roughly to the floor then yelled "Micah!"

Micah instantly appeared in front of me with Ignatius on his hip and I could see that Ignatius was irritated by the way he was scratching his ears and head. Micah then asked me in anger while grabbing Ignatius's hands to stop him from sratching "Why are you calling out to me here Knigh while knowing full well that we can't risk getting found out". I didn't know how to reply to Micah so just motioned him to look at Zachary on the floor. Micah's eyes widened in shock when he saw Zachary lying on the floor and he then uttered "I didn't even sense him Knigh". Ignatius started dangling his feet in amusement when he saw how scared Zachary was and I could sense that he was in a better mood now.

Micah then scrunched up his nose when the scent of the blood hit him and he then asked me when he heard Ignatius growl "Did you ask him where they are now Knigh?" I quickly answered Micah's question with "I did love and he told me that the pups are with a babysitter at the Richmond motel in room 44 but I can't sense them there". Micah closed his eyes while stroking Ignatius's head to calm him down and then said to me "You can't sense them because they are not there Knigh. It seems like he lied to you about in which room the pups were. The pups were supposed to be in room 12 but they are not there anymore because someone took them".

I quickly walked up to Zachary and said to him while grabbing his face "You're only alive at the moment because we need information from you human otherwise you would be in pieces right now so tell me who took the kids". Zachary started crying and then suddenly uttered "I don't know sir, the only person that I ever let close to them is this woman called Emma. She's an elementary school teacher here in town and she offered to babysit the twins when I ran into her at a restaurant here. She's probably the one who took the kids but why would she take them and how will I find them now".

Zachary then suddenly grabbed my leg and pleaded "Please help me find them sir they are the only family that I have left and they are my heart and soul. I don't even know how I'll survive without them". I heard Micah suddenly groan from behind me and I quickly pushed Zachary away from me. Micah then said to me while frowning and handing Ignatius over to me "I know where they are Knigh, cast a spell to take this man and Ignatius to the Halfmoon pack's lake and I'll meet you there in a few minutes".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now