Chapter 84. Peace at last Part 2

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Micah's P.O.V

The pups decided that they wanted to have dinner right away to win some time so Knightly and I let them order whatever they wanted. The omega whose name was Negus according to the badge that he was wearing had trouble maintaining his composure the whole time he was writing down the orders and I decided put my senses into use. I tried to see what the omega was up to the moment he walked away with our orders and heard Negus say the moment he walked into the kitchen "The kings are sittings in our restaurant at the moment alpha and not just the kings but their powerful pups too".

Knightly laced his fingers together with mine when he sensed what I was doing and I just smiled at him. I then leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear "It's better to be safe than sorry Knigh". Knightly shook his head at me while chuckling and then threw his arm around me. I then suddenly heard the alpha who was busy baking pies say "You must be dreaming Negus, the kings would never visit a family restaurant like ours. They probably waste their money in a high end restaurant where they sell caviar or something".

It looked like Negus was irked by the alpha's reply so he yelled then while pointing at the small window that was on the kitchen door "If you don't believe me then look for yourself alpha". The alpha groaned while wiping his hands off on a towel and then replied to Negus with "I'll look to see if you're not mistaking Negus but only because I know that you won't stop nagging if I don't". Negus huffed as response at the alpha and then crossed his arms on his chest to see the alpha's reaction.

I chuckled when I saw the alpha take a step back when he noticed us and quickly picked up Alissandre when I saw that he was trying climb onto my lap. I could sense that he was tired and casted a spell on him to make sure that he could sleep while we were waiting for our food which looked like would take a while. The alpha was shocked to see us and it looked like it was going to take him some time to recover. He kept on contemplating about something while Negus just stared at him. "What should we do alpha?" asked Negus the alpha in concern suddenly and it looked like that made the alpha snap out of whatever he was thinking.

I frowned when I heard the alpha then answer Negus's question with "I already mind linked everyone and told them to act normal and so should you. No one will ever find out who we actually are as long as we have that symbol on our door. Just make sure that Isidor doesn't approach them because he can't control his powers yet". The alpha then grabbed our order out of Negus's hand and started working on it while Negus went to grab our drinks. I decided to concentrate on the pups after that because I could sense that the alpha didn't mean us any harm but things were different for Knightly. There was a pack living here in Texas without his knowledge and that could bring this so called alpha more trouble than he had ever imagined because they were now branded as rogues.

I could sense that Knightly had decided to take care of this problem after our trip was over so concentrated on the conversation that Alexandra was having with Althea at that moment. They were talking about the animals that were at the petting zoo and were asking themselves if it was right to let so many people touch these animals. I smiled when I heard Knightly say "These animals are rescued animals girls, they were either treated badly by their owners or hurt when they were brought in so they are probably happy that they receive so much love from other people".

I knew exactly what Althea was going to say next when I saw her eyes sparkle and chuckled when she replied to Knightly with "Then I'm going to make sure that all the animals are healed by the time we leave daddy". Knightly quickly walked up to Althea when he heard what she had said and then said to her while placing a kiss on her head "They will certainly like that princes". Negus and another omega then walked over to us with our drinks and said while placing the trays on our table "Enjoy your drinks everyone, your food will be ready in a few minutes".

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