Chapter 26. Difficult decisions

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Knightly's P.O.V

Micah and I both knew that it wouldn't take long for the Halfmoon's to crack seeing how scared they were when we paid them a surprise visit the last time. That girl Layla was overdoing it too with her whole I want to be the luna routine. I had asked Lucas and his men to keep an eye on the Halfmoon pack to make sure that their secret wasn't discovered by the other packs when everything finally blew up.

I told Lucas that we would only make our presence known when the Halfmoon's had completely revealed everything that they were hiding from their son. That was the only way to find out the truth and I didn't want to come off as the bad guy by telling Andreas everything myself. I kept myself busy with pack matters while Lucas kept an eye on the Halfmoon pack. I could see what was happening at the Halfmoon pack and you can imagine my surprise when I saw Ignatius suddenly appear in front of Andreas with two jellies in his hands.

I was just about to mind link Sylvia to ask her why she didn't notice that Ignatius was gone when I suddenly heard her say through the mind link "I'm so sorry my king, I was busy giving the pups some snacks when I heard Ignatius suddenly say that he was going to bring a jelly to Andreas because he had heard the king this morning mention that he forgot to put one in Andreas's lunchbox. Ignatius disappeared before I could stop him and I'm now afraid of what will happen when people realize that he still lives here and that he's your son".

I sighed when I noticed how frantic Sylvia was and said to her to calm her down "It's okay Sylvia, I'm going to bring him back and I think that I can use Ignatius showing up at the Halfmoon pack un announced to my advantage so don't worry about it". I couldn't blame Ignatius for thinking about Andreas because he was still a baby and wanted to make everyone happy. He was innocent and didn't think about the consequences for his actions yet. I called out to Ignatius the moment I arrived at the Halfmoon pack when I saw him sitting on Andreas's lap. Andreas was in his demon form and it seemed that Ignatius didn't mind his form. He was just enjoying his jelly and I could see how happy he was to be there with Andreas.

Micah had told me that he was going to handle this whole situation with the Halfmoon pack and that is why I stayed out of it when everything about the Halfmoon's was finally revealed. I didn't even stop Micah from stabbing Andreas or Mattew from fighting Noah because this was between the Lockwood brothers and I already knew that this had to be done if we wanted everyone to trust Noah and Andreas. I was glad that it was finally over but I had to make some difficult decisions now which the Halfmoon pack members weren't going to love. Andreas was only sixteen years old and a hybrid. He would have to train for years before anyone could call him a worthy leader and his parents weren't fit to rule the pack because they had lied to their pack for years.

I could see the shock on Andreas's face when I announced that I was going to take over the pack and I could feel how heartbroken the whole pack was. Noah was holding Andreas's hand to give him strength and I smiled to myself when I felt how much love they had for each other. I then suddenly heard someone ask me "What will happen to our positions in this pack my king?" I looked at the man who was now kneeling down before me and immediately recognized him as Jonathan Ridge the beta of the Halfmoon pack.

I knew exactly why the beta was asking me this question because I already knew that most of the Halfmoon pack members didn't have anywhere to go. Alpha Halfmoon had never taken the time to prepare his pack for the worst and the problem now was that they were all depending on the pack for their livelihood. I heard Ignatius yawn the moment the beta asked me the question and he instantly started making grabby hands at Micah while yelling "Papa". Micah knew that it wouldn't take long for Ignatius to get irritated so walked quickly up to me to take him out of my arms.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now