Chapter 10. Unexpected news

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Noah's P.O.V

It was already monday morning and i couldn't wait to go to school because i wanted to see Andreas. I was having a bad feeling regarding him and i had tried to mind link him to make sure he was alright but it looked like his mind link was completely cut off. I couldn't help to think if something bad had happened to him. I made sure that Kingsley was up on time this morning so we could go to school earlier than expected from us but it seemed like Kingsley wasn't in the mood to go to school because he had already sensed that his parents were going to separate that day.

Micah and Knightly had told me last night what they had planned to do and i had no other choice than to support them in this matter because they were trying to save the world. Kingsley finally climbed into my car after protesting to his parents and failing at it. I could understand his feelings but i wanted to be at school as early as possible so quickly started my car to drive straight to school.  I waited patiently for Andreas in front of the school after dropping Kingsley off at the elementary school but got impatient when i realized that it was already time for school to start and there was still no sight of Andreas.

I was now sure that something bad had happened to him and walked into the school to try to find the boy Andreas always hung out with. It looked like he and Andreas had a close bond with each other so he probably knew where Andreas was. I couldn't find him either and groaned loudly when i suddenly heard the first bell ring. I decided to continue my search for Andreas at lunchtime because i thought that maybe he was just late for school seeing how i had my first class of the day with him. I sighed in relief when it was finally lunchtime and grabbed my bag quickly to go look for Andreas in the cafeteria.

I couldn't find Andreas anywhere but sighed in relief when i spotted his close friend at one of the lunch tables in the back. I walked quickly up to him and then said "Hello, i don't think that we are officially introduced to each other yet but i'm Noah Lockwood and if you don't mind then i like to ask you a question". The boy stood up when he sensed me next to him then quickly replied to me with "Hi and you don't have to introduce yourself to me because i already know who you are. I'm Sebastian Hills by the way and i'm the future beta of the Halfmoon pack".

I smiled when i realized that i had approached the right person to ask about Andreas. I was right i thought to myself because Sebastian was Andreas's beta to be so he probably knew what had happened to him. "Can you tell me where Andreas is at the moment Sebastian because i can't sense him anywhere?" i asked Sebastian and i immediately noticed how surprised he was by my question. I frowned at Sebastian because i was really worried about Andreas and here he was wasting my time.

 Sebastian quickly cleared his throat when he saw my reaction then quickly answered my question with "I don't know where he is Noah because i haven't seen him since Saturday night. We had border patrol duty together this morning but he didn't show up. The alpha showed up instead of him and when i asked him where Andreas was he just answered my question curtly with i changed his duty."

I was now more suspicious than before and asked Sebastian "Can you sense him Sebastian?" Sebastian closed his eyes then concentrated on Andreas's scent. He then suddenly opened his eyes and said "He's at the pack house at the moment and it doesn't seem like something's wrong with him". My eyes widened in shock when i heard Sebastian's reply and i was just about to ask Sebastian if he could take me to see Andreas after school because i didn't want to go there un announced when i heard Layla's voice coming from behind me.

"Look ladies" she said to the girls she was with then added "It's the king's brother in law the mate stealer". I quickly turned around when i heard Layla's annoying voice then asked her while chuckling "Are you trying to bully me Layla?" Layla didn't answer my question so i continued with "I strongly advice you stop it right now if you're planning on doing so because who knows when i'll lose my mind and cut you down with my long sharp sword". Layla looked startled at me but then quickly gathered herself and said "You can do whatever you want angel but you'll never have Andreas because he has been mine since we were fourteen years old".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now