Chapter 77. Shock and awe Part 2

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Mike Lockwood's P.O.V

Lunar had always been mysterious and I could instantly sense that she was up to something when she told me that she wanted to gift me with a child. I tried to ask her many times after that what the reason behind her being so generous towards me was and she always managed to avoid my question. I realized what was going on when Lidia started having serious health issues while carrying Micah. I didn't tell Lidia then about what was going on in fear of her rejecting our unborn child but that awful rejection still happened despite all my efforts.

I still curse myself for not taking Micah in my arms when he was born but Lidia was on the verge of death at that moment and I had to figure out a way to save her. I was glad when Lunar decided to help her and walked towards Ariel to take my son out of his arms because I knew that it would bother him later on that I didn't welcome him first as his father into this world. Ariel didn't want to hand Micah over to me because he was too mesmerized by his beauty and I had to forcefully take my child back from him.

I frowned at Lunar the moment my eyes fell on my newborn child and she just sheepishly smiled back at me. My hands and arms were burning from the power that Micah was emitting and I couldn't believe how beautiful he was with his red full lips and sparkling green eyes. He didn't even look like a newborn child and his skin had a certain glow to it. Micah started emitting even more power in happiness when I placed a kiss on his forehead and I then asked Ariel if he hadn't felt how powerful my son actually was while he was holding him. I couldn't believe my ears when Ariel told me that he hadn't felt anything and I looked in shock at the now cooing baby in my arms.

I then realized that I had triggered my newborn child's powers and named him Micah by combining Lidia's silent "h" and my name together. I had to cast spells to keep Micah's powers under control when Lunar told me that we had to raise him like a normal human child. My heart broke when Lidia told me that she didn't want to accept Micah as her own child and it seemed like my son had sensed his mother's rejection because he instantly changed from a happily cooing baby into a crying mess. I could understand Lidia's feelings because it felt like I as her mate had cheated on her with Lunar and Micah was the result of our scandalous affair but that was exactly the reason why Lunar had made sure that Micah had inherited a few traits from his mother Lidia.

I couldn't find a way to make her understand that what she was doing was wrong because she was depressed and angry and I thought that she would change her mind in due time but that took almost four years. I was the one who Micah called out to when he got hurt or needed help and I couldn't take my son's suffering anymore when he constantly opened his eyes while sleeping to make sure that I hadn't abandoned him too. Lidia always made sure that Micah was well fed and well taken care of but she never showed him love even if Micah cried or begged for attention. She was always busy with Noah, Mattew or Natalee and I had to step in for her each time my beautiful son cried.

I feared for my son's future every time I saw him curled up in a corner somewhere or when he didn't want to participate in anything that we did as a family and I prayed to God to make him realize that we loved him very much even if we didn't show it. I tried changing Lidia's mind many times after Micah's birth but it always ended with her storming out of the room in anger. I gave up after a while because the fights were breaking our family apart and I didn't want to make my other children suffer too.

Imagine my surprise when Lidia came home one day from her training and told me that she had seen Micah do a backflip successfully. She was holding Micah tightly and told me that she was glad that at least one of her children inherited her love for gymnastics from her. Natalee had tried her hand at gymnastics too but only because she wanted to use her experience as a gymnast to become a cheerleader. I could see how happy Micah was when he finally got his mother's attention and I was glad that Lidia had finally realized that there was more to Micah then his appearance which reminded her so much of Lunar.

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