Chapter 20. Confrontation

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Andreas's P.O.V

I was so happy that I finally got the chance to sort everything out with Noah and Gael was pleased too. I landed in the boy's bathroom again when Noah sent me back and I got startled when Cora one of Layla's friends grabbed my hand the moment I stepped out of the bathroom. "Where were you Andreas?" she asked me in distress and I looked puzzled at her in response. I then sighed and asked her "What's wrong Cora and can you please let my hand go".

Cora groaned at me then yelled "Don't you care about what happens to your mate Andreas?" Cora was a werewolf too and she belonged to one of our neighboring packs so she knew all about the elders prediction. I growled at Cora and she quickly put her head down as response. She then said "I'm sorry for yelling at you Andreas but everyone has been looking for ages for you because Layla fell unconscious in the cafeteria. And who knew that you were in the bathroom all this time".

"Did you just say that Layla fell unconscious Cora?" I asked Cora in disbelief and she quickly replied to me with "Yes Andreas and she's has been calling for you since she gained consciousness again". I groaned as response at Cora then said to her "Tell the nurse to call her parents Cora because I'm going to my next class". I was just about to walk passed Cora when I heard her say "The nurse suggested to Layla that it would be best for her if she called her parents but Layla disagreed. She wants you to take her home and no one else because she wants to spend this glorious day with you".

I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard Cora's reply and then asked her "Is Layla on some kind of medication or something Cora because there is nothing glorious about this day so go tell her not to bother me. I have already missed a lot of my classes and I don't want to get more behind in my lessons than I already am". I heard Cora then suddenly say "Don't you want to hear that you're becoming a father Andreas because that's why Layla fell unconscious today". My whole body started trembling in anger when I heard what Cora had said and I started walking into the direction of the nurse's office.

I heard Layla happily chatting away with the nurse the moment I stepped into the nurse's office and I frowned at Layla. Layla's whole demeanor changed seeing my reaction and the nurse then said to me while smiling "You can take her home now Andreas. I have already notified the principal about this so you're free to go". I just nodded with my head at the nurse and said "Thank you mrs Bailey" then immediately turned around to walk away because i knew that if i stayed there any longer then i would have killed Layla.

I heard Layla jump off the bed and then run after me but i didn't wait for her. Classes had already started so there was no one in the hallway. Gael was itching to come out and I had to calm him down by saying "This no please to attack her Gael. Let's wait till we're home". Gael huffed at me but still calmed down. Layla jumped into my car the moment I unlocked it and I heard her then say "Andreas, I". I didn't even let her finish her sentence and yelled "Shut up Layla".

Layla started crying and I just ignored her and started driving into the direction of my house. I hoped and prayed to the moon goddess that my parents were at home because I couldn't spend a minute more with Layla. Noah must have already heard about Layla being pregnant I thought to myself and heard Gael then say "He'll know that it's not true if he's our true mate Andreas so don't worry and get rid of her as soon as possible".

I sighed in relief when we finally arrived home and I then stepped out of the car leaving Layla behind. I started walking into the direction of our front door and heard Layla call out to me but I just blocked her out. I was glad when I saw my mother running towards me and I was ready to confront her but she just ran passed me instead and pulled the crying Layla into her arms. I was now sure that my mother had something to do with all this and got startled when I heard my father say "Don't you have any sympathy towards your mate Andreas".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now