Chapter 61. Trust and loyalty Part 3

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Knightly's P.O.V

My body started healing the moment I heard Micah's voice and Connor looked in shock at me when he saw me jump up. I smiled while changing back into my human form and said "Thank you Noah" when clothes suddenly appeared on me. I was now standing in a dark blue three piece suit and frowned while looking at the high ranking demon. "Do you want to suffer first and then tell us who sent you or do you want to avoid the pain and go straight into telling us the truth demon, because I promise you that I will make you suffer either way" I said to the demon and looked in shock at him when I heard him reply to me with "I will tell you everything if you let me be with my mate my king". I tried to sense who his mate was and shook my head when I saw that it was the same woman who had kidnapped Alexandra and Aziel.

I was going to kill the demon and his mate later on anyway so said "I promise to let you live demon, now tell me the truth". The demon took a deep breath and then replied to me with "It was Liam Portagal my king, he set this whole thing up from the beginning because he wanted to see if Micah Lockwood would come to save you. And if that didn't happen then we were ordered to kill your men and the humans too so he could tell the world that your men were weak enough to be killed by humans. His goal was to make people think that you had lost your mind due to your rejection and that you have taken revenge on the humans by killing them. He just wants to ruin you that's all and he doesn't care who dies in the process".

"How cruel of the person who used to be so close to my heart" I said to the high ranking demon and saw him looking in shock at me. He then uttered "Please let me go now my king, I have truly told you everything that I know. I had been living here on earth with my mate for years before Liam found me through my mate and told me that he would tell Cacus where I was if I didn't cooperate with him. I know that my mate is an evil person but I can't reject her for that because I'll otherwise die with her". I then got an idea and said "Tell you what demon, you're quite powerful for a demon so I'll make sure that no one harms you if you work for me from now on".

"Really?" asked the high ranking demon me hopeful and I then replied to him with "Yes, what's your name?" The high ranking demon smiled at me and then answered my question with "My name is Ade Brose my king and I'm a butcher". I smiled at Ade and said "I want you to go back to Laim Portagal and tell him that the last thing that you saw before the portal closed was, that my whole body was pierced with spears and you don't know if I'm alive or death. And you don't have to fear for your life yet because I have a feeling that Liam still has a use for your mate. I want you to tell me everything that Liam is up to so I can prepare for the worse. I will still ask Noah to cast a protection spell on you to keep you safe in case Liam loses his mind and tries to kill you".

I then motioned Noah to step forward and cast the protection spell on the demon. Noah smiled at me when he was done and then said "I made sure that no one could sense your scent on him as a bonus Knigh". "Thank you little brother" I said to Noah while stroking his head and then called out to Andreas. Andreas immediately ran to me and then asked me when he reached me "What's your order my king?" I then answered his question while looking at Ade with "Open a portal using only your dark power so Ade can go back to the underworld". "As you wish my king" uttered Andreas while closing his eyes and I felt proud that I had now powerful allies like Noah and Andreas. Andreas managed to open a portal big enough for Ade to pass through and I then motioned him to go back.

Andreas sighed in relief when Ade disappeared in the portal and I then gave him a pat on his back and said "Good job Andreas". I called out to Mason after that and said when he appeared while kneeling down in front of me "Cast a spell to get rid of all these dead demon bodies Mason and make sure that there is no scent of them left". Mason nodded with his head at me and then motioned his warriors to help him gather all the dead bodies. I then walked towards the humans and smiled when Jeremy put a chair in front of them for me so I could sit.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now