Chapter 16. Noah's mission

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Noah's P.O.V

I could feel how happy Mattew was to be back home but i could also feel that he couldn't wait to find out why Ezekiel, Amell and Althea were crying. I sighed in relief when i saw Kingsley run up to him. At least he's distracted for now i said to myself and was just about to get up from the sofa to walk back to Kingsley's room when Mattew frowned at me and i slowly sat back down again.

Mattew was someone who you wouldn't want to mess with when he was angry especially if it had something to do with his family so i thought that it was better to stay seated. Mattew walked up to Knightly after putting Kingsley down and then looked lovingly at Ignatius who was now wide awake. Ignatius was looking curiously at Mattew while clutching Knightly's t shirt. He had his forefinger in his mouth and i couldn't deny the fact that he looked cute at that moment despite knowing how evil he could be.

 Mattew then asked Ignatius while poking with his finger on Ignatius's cheek "And who might you be little ball of fire?" Ignatius squealed the moment he heard the nick name Mattew gave him and then said while bouncing up and down in Knightly's arms "I'm Ignatius Hrag Silverstone and this is my daddy". Mattew smiled at Ignatius then said while placing a kiss on his head "I'm your uncle Mattew little ball of fire and i know that he's is your daddy because i could feel it but where is your papa then".

Ignatius then said while pouting and crossing his arms together "He's at work in a supermarket". I could feel the anger rising in Mattew the moment he heard Ignatius's reply and my father then quickly added "He's on a mission Mattew and i think that you should go home for now to see your own children. They have missed you too and i'm sure that they'll be happy to see you. I promise you that we'll talk after you're well rested".

Mattew slowly turned around then looked at me instead of my father. He then asked my father while looking at me "Do you want me to ignore the pain i feel in my little brother and my niece and nephews dad?" My father was just about to answer Mattew's question when Mattew motioned him to stop talking and then pulled me into his arms.

He then asked me while caressing my back "What happened while i was away Noah?" I couldn't take it anymore and blurted out "Andreas Halfmoon rejected me and Knightly announced his false divorce with Micah to the world". I could see my father shaking his head at me but i didn't care because Mattew had to find out the truth sooner or later.

Mattew groaned loudly then asked me "Why did he reject you Noah?" I sighed then replied to him with "He has a girlfriend who the elders supposedly predicted that is his mate". "And he believes in that kind of nonsense Noah?" asked Mattew me angrily and i nodded with my head at him. Mattew then looked at my father and asked him "What did you do about this dad?" My father sighed then replied to Mattew with "I didn't do anything about it Mattew because Andreas Halfmoon will soon realize who his true mate is and you shouldn't do anything about it either. Let Micah handle this".

Mattew then chuckled menacingly and asked my father while looking at Knightly "Oh, like he's handling his own family at the moment dad?" Knightly looked angrily at Mattew and was just about to say something when my father yelled "Watch what you say in front of the children Mattew. I know that you're angry, we all are but that doesn't mean that we should forget our morals and duties so we can go destroy the Halfmoon pack because that will solve nothing".

 Mattew then suddenly pulled away from me and it looked like he was contemplating about something. I could see a smile forming on his face after a while and he then said while disappearing "I'll be right back". My father looked in fear at him and i knew exactly why. Mattew was unpredictable so who knew what he was on his way to do.

Knighty then suddenly groaned and said "Connor just mind linked me to tell me that the cabin that the Halfmoon pack had in their woods is on fire and that the Halfmoon pack is trying to prevent the fire from breaking out any further". My father shook his head at me while i smiled triumphantly at him because i knew that the cabin was Layla's favorite place to be.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now