Chapter 72. The start of a war

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Noah's P.O.V

I hadn't seen Micah or the kids in almost a week and all because Andreas and I were asked by Knightly to support Nathan and Jeremy in gathering as much allies as we could. We had been to many countries up till now and it was quite exhausting because not all the supernatural creatures were happy to see us. We had to come up with ways to convince these supernatural creatures to join the kings side and tell them what would happen if they were still undecided by the time the war began.

The only thing that Knightly had told us until now was that Lucifer was behind this war and that we should expect anything once he came knocking on our doors. Andreas and I had guided Jeremy and Nathan to South Africa the day before and we even had to fight the lion king once we arrived there because he didn't want to believe us. Lion shifters were prideful supernatural creatures and it was either their way or the highway. The pride of lions didn't want to accept Micah and Knightly as their kings so Andreas and I had to take some actions to convince them in doing so.

Once the pride of lions had calmed down, Jeremy and Nathan managed to make them see that the whole world was in danger at the moment and that if their pride wanted security then the best thing for them to do would be joining the kings in fighting our common enemy Lucifer. I was exhausted by the time we came back from our mission and I decided to stay at Andreas's house because I was too lazy to go back to the Silverstone mansion. I decided to take a shower while Andreas went to tell his uncle Cacus about how our mission went and I didn't even realize when I fell asleep while waiting for him to come back.

I started dreaming suddenly and it was like everything was happing in reality in front of me because I could pick up the scent of blood around me. I was suddenly standing on a battlefield on my bare feet and grimaced when I felt something wet under my feet. I quickly lifted my right foot up to see what I had stepped on and got startled when I saw that it was blood. The wind was blowing hard and I quickly looked up to assess my surroundings to see who the blood belonged too. I was shocked to see thousands of dead bodies lying around me and screamed when I recognized one of them as Knightly.

I ran to him to assess his injuries and fell backwards on the ground when I saw Ignatius and Aadya lying dead not very far of him. "What is going on?" I asked myself while crying and my eyes then fell on my father's lifeless body. "Dad!" I screamed while getting up and then ran to him. I carefully lifted his head up when I reached him and then placed it on my lap. "Please open your eyes dad" I said to my father while caressing his cheek and heard my father suddenly say "Everyone's dead Noah and I'll be joining them shortly too. I'm sorry that I failed in protecting you and your siblings".

"No!" I yelled at my father and then uttered while shaking him "That can't be true dad, Micah would never let Lucifer kill everyone". My father started gasping for ear suddenly and my eyes widened in shock when he said "Micah was the first one to die and everything went to hell from there". "Micah can't die" I said to myself and then saw my father point his finger in a certain direction. My father stopped moving after that and I knew that I had lost him for good.

I put my father carefully down on the ground again and then decided to check out what my father was trying to tell me. My feet felt heavy once I started walking into the direction where my father had guided me into and it was like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I was now standing on a hill and fell on my knees from the shock when I saw Micah on his knees on the hill. Micah's head was hanging motionlessly and the only thing that was holding his body up was the two spears that were sticking out of his chest. The spears had pierced the ground through his chest and it was like someone had crucified him on a spot where everyone could see him.

"This can't happen" I said to myself while getting up again and ran to Micah. My whole body was trembling in fear and I instantly cupped Micah's face once I reached him. Micah's mouth was covered with blood and I knew that it was because one of the spears had pierced through his heart. His long white hear was also covered in blood and it broke my heart to see my precious brother like that. I started crying and yelled "Micah!" as loudly as I could once I felt how ice cold his body was.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now