Chapter 76. Shock and awe Part 1

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Anthony's P.O.V

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What if I told you that I had never believed in supernatural creatures or fairy tales but was now forced to believe in them because there were all kinds of supernatural creatures staring at me while being in a battle of the fittest around me. My whole body trembled in fear each time one of them came near me but it seemed like there was some kind of invisible protection barrier around me making them jolt back in fear. The creatures growled at me each time they failed their attempt to attack me and I asked myself what I had gotten myself into or what I had done to deserve a treatment like this.

I actually worked at a hospital in Portland Oregon but didn't have the right resources there to carry out the experiments that I wanted so applied to prestigious hospitals all over the U.S. It was my dream as a pediatrician to do research on all the illnesses that a child could be infected with. I had seen children suffer from a cold to cancer throughout my life and made it my goal to make sure that these illnesses could be detected early and were treated properly. I needed money and the right equipment to do all that and was over the moon when the Silverstone Hospital decided to hire me. Moving to California wouldn't be a problem for me due to the fact that I didn't have any family left in Portland Oregon so took on the job eagerly when the opportunity presented it.

My parents were actually still alive and they had always supported me but they didn't live with me anymore. They were very athletic people and they always encouraged me to join all kinds of sports because I got bored easily as a child. I had won medals in swimming competitions, cycling and track and field until now. I had even won trophies in basketball competitions with my club but had let that never affect my grades. I wanted to become a pediatrician since I was a child so did my utmost best to hold my grades up.

I can still remember the time when my parents asked me to try my hand at gymnastics because I had according to them the talent and build for it. I eagerly joined a gymnastic team when I was twelve and loved the fierce competition atmosphere that they had during the training sessions. I sadly only had the chance to participate in one gymnastic competition in my life due to the fact that I fell awkwardly during this same competition and broke my leg.

My leg had to stay in a cast for six weeks and I wasn't allowed to participate in the gymnastic competition after that but I will never forget the boy who's turn it was after me in that competition. I had just gotten hurt and the paramedics took me aside to assess my injury while I was crying in pain. I heard the announcer then call out the name of Micah Lockwood and instantly stopped crying when I saw a good looking boy standing on the mat in a gold, red and black uniform. The boy's body looked amazing and he gracefully landed on the mat after finishing his routine.

I could sense that all the people were in awe of this boy called Micah Lockwood and there was no doubt that he had already won. I was mesmerized by this boy and clutched my father's shirt tightly when I saw the boy walking towards me with a smile on his face. I had really thought that the boy was on his way to mock me because trust me boys can be really cruel to their rivals during competitions but I smiled instead when the boy reached his hand out to me to give me something. I suddenly realized that he was holding a handkerchief in his hand and eagerly grabbed it then wiped my tears away with it. Micah then said while looking in concern at me "I'm truly sorry about your injury. Get well soon and please make sure that you are completely healed before you resume your training again".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now