Chapter 53. An unwanted surprise Part 2

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Knightly's P.O.V

I started going through requests of packs who needed money or protection after that and got startled when Maynor suddenly appeared in front of me. Maynor then asked me while taking a seat on the opposite side of me and putting his feet upon my desk "How does it feel like to be the king of the world my dear cousin. Does it feel like you're walking on clouds and do you like it when people kiss your ass?" I growled loudly when I heard what Maynor had said but then chuckled when I sensed why he was angry. "Ah, our Maynor is angry because he can't get access to his money yet" I said to Maynor to mock him and he then jumped out of his seat in anger while yelling "I need money to survive on earth Knightly and Micah said that he would give us everything back when we joined you then why can't I get access to my accounts yet".

"It's because I moved the money to other accounts Maynor" I said to Maynor and it looked like he was fuming with anger now. I then decided to tell Maynor the truth before he would burst and said "Micah asked me to remove your money from your accounts because he had sensed that your uncle would try to steal it from you. And he was right by the way because not long after you were defeated, your uncle sent your cousin to empty your accounts while posing as you. It was quite humorous to see how he struggled to explain to the clerk when it was the last time that you had visited the bank". "And how do you know about all this Knightly?" asked Maynor me in anger and I then answered his question with "Because I own the bank Maynor".

Maynor started pulling his hair in frustration and then yelled "Just tell me when I can get my money back you egotistical jerk". I burst out laughing when I realized that I had managed to irk Maynor and then said to him "Go home and look into the drawer of your night stand Maynor. You'll find a file in it with all your account details". "The information was in that damn drawer all this time?" asked Maynor me stunned and I then replied to him while chuckling with "That was courtesy of Micah because he was certain that you would join us in fighting this war". "Oh, why isn't he mine" uttered Maynor to rile me up suddenly but I just ignored him. Maynor then burst out laughing and said while disappearing "You better hold on tight to him my dear cousin because I would hate to lose a great asset like him and it won't be long before I find out how Andreas and Noah gained so much power". The only thing that I could yell back to Maynor was "Don't come into my office as you please Maynor!"

Nicholas walked into my office the moment Maynor left while saying "It's time for the press conference my king". I nodded with my head at Nicholas and then stood up while straightening my tie. "You look good sir" said Nicholas suddenly while looking intently at me and he then quickly added "I mean you look presentable my king" when I frowned at him. He motioned me to follow him after that and we then took the elevator down to the ground floor where the press conference would be taking place. Camera lights started flashing the moment the elevator door opened and reporters started yelling questions at me. I just ignored them and walked straight to the conference hall.

The reporters and camera men quickly followed us and they all received a copy of my statement from my men at the entrance of the hall to make sure that they didn't ask me any unnecessary questions. I took my place behind the microphone at the conference table and then motioned Nicholas to start the press conference. I started scanning through the room to see if there was something unusual and groaned inwardly when I sensed a witch amongst the reporters. "How dare she set foot on my territory?'' I asked myself while observing the witch and frowned when I noticed that she was too distracted to even sense who was sitting in front of her. It then hit me that this girl didn't even know that she had witches blood in her and that I was the king.

I took my eyes off the girl when I realized that the reporters were now focussing their attention on her. I then heard Nicholas say "Mister Silverstone will now answer a few selective questions regarding his statement but please keep in mind that there are no personal questions allowed". Nicholas motioned one of the reporters to come forward then and said "Go ahead" to him. The reporter quickly grabbed his note pad and then asked me "Can you tell me why you thought that it was necessary to call a press conference when you already have your statement ready sir?"

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now