Chapter 54. Trail and tribulation Part 1

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Noah's P.O.V

Andreas and I had been training nonstop because we wanted to prove ourselves and grow. And it's not like we could do anything else either because Mattew, Amitiel and Maynor didn't even give us a chance to breathe. Amitiel wanted to prove that he was a better spell caster than Matthew and Maynor wanted to take out his frustrations on someone. He found in Andreas the perfect candidate in doing so and we couldn't even complain because we were the ones who were the cause of our own demise.

Amitiel was busy teaching me how to dispel spells casted by witches when I saw Maynor who was training Andreas not so far from us disappear. I could sense that someone had called out to him and my heart broke when I saw Andreas instantly fall on his knees from exhaustion. Amitiel slapped me suddenly and then uttered "Aren't you too relaxed to think about your friend there, Noah?" I wanted to cut Amitiel's hand off with which he had slapped me but I calmed myself down by thinking that he was right because no witch would spare me during a battle.

I heard Amitiel groan suddenly and looked puzzled at him because I had just managed to break the spell that he had casted on me. I realized what was going on when Matthew suddenly appeared next to me. It was no secret that Amitiel hated my brother because Mattew had never hid the fact that he couldn't stand him. And knowing Matthew, he saw that as a chance to irritate Amitiel even more by showing up unannounced at the training grounds. Amitiel frowned while looking at Matthew and then said before disappearing."Try learning the spells that I have just thought you by heart Noah and we'll pick up things were we left off tomorrow".

"Chicken" uttered Mattew when he saw Amitiel leave and I looked angrily at him. "What?" asked Mattew me with a smirk on his face and I then asked him "Why do you hate him so much Matt?" Matthew sighed then answered my question with "Because he used to talk shit about Micah when we moved to the realm of angels. Micah stayed away from everyone because he was sick and pregnant but angels like Amitiel thought that Micah was selfish. There were tons of rumors going around regarding Micah and I found out that Amitiel was the cause of most of it. He's a pure blood angel and a peacekeeper to boot, he should have had helped Micah but he chose to make his life miserable instead".

I shook my head at Mattew and then said "I would have hated him too if I had known this earlier Matt but Micah has forgiven him then who are we to judge him and I think that he has his whole life ahead him to suffer for what he did to Micah, especially with a mate like Maynor". Mattew burst out laughing suddenly then uttered "I bet Maynor makes Amitiel want to pull out his hair in frustration everyday" and I quickly added "Yes, just like you make Jeremy's life such a living hell that the poor man wants to hide under his bed and cry all day". Mattew's eyes suddenly widened in shock and I thought that he was about to hit me but he then said "Shit, I promised that I would look after the boys today because my in laws are out with Knightly's parents. Jeremy's probably fuming with anger by now because he has to go on a mission for Knightly".

I put my hand on Mattew's shoulder and then said to him while chuckling "Oh, my poor brother forgot about his own duties while making someone else's life miserable". Mattew hit me on my fore head with the palm of his right hand and then uttered before leaving "Don't you dare to disappoint me today, Noah". I looked puzzled at Mattew because I didn't understand what he was talking about but my dear brother just smiled as response at me. I realized after Mattew had left that Andreas and I were now alone at the training grounds. I ran to Andreas when I remembered how exhausted he was and quickly casted a spell to make a bottle of water appear in my hand when I reached him.

"Here Andreas" I said to Andreas while handing the bottle of water over to him and smiled when he eagerly drank the water. Andreas pulled me down on my knees when he was done drinking the water and my heart made a loud thump when he suddenly hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much my mate" said Andreas while breathing in my scent and then added "I really miss you Noah, do you know how hard it is for me to see you every day but not being able to touch you". The visions that I had when I mated with Andreas instantly started flashing through my mind the moment Andreas uttered those words and I quickly pulled away from him.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now