Chapter 80. Shock and awe Part 5

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Mattew's P.O.V

I was just done putting a thousand demon's heads on spikes to scare other demons away when I heard Ezekiel call out to me with "Uncle Mattew!" The demons deserved to die because they had dared to put their filthy feet on the sacred ground of the realm of angels. I had no remorse about killing those creatures but I was truly afraid to find out why Ezekiel was calling out to me. I immediately closed my eyes to sense where he was and I sighed relief when I saw him standing safely in his teenage form in the middle of a battlefield in Romania. "What's wrong Ezekiel?" I asked Ezekiel when I realized that he was unharmed and my heart skipped a beat when I heard him reply to me then with "Amell needs your help uncle Mattew".

The thought of Amell being hurt hit me with full force when I couldn't sense him and I was just about to cast a spell to take me to wherever he was when I heard Ezekiel say "Don't worry uncle Mattew, Amell is fine he just needs your assistance". "Where is he Ezekiel?" I asked my nephew while trying to find out where Micah was and heard him then answer my question with "There is a portal under our local golf club uncle Mattew and you probably haven't noticed it because its woven in spells. Amell will be waiting for you there but you have to hurry because he doesn't have a lot of time left".

I instantly understood why Ezekiel was asking me and not his father to assist Amell when I saw in which state Micah was in and I quickly casted a spell to take me to the golf club. I could sense that Micah was up to something but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt to see him dead. I was hoping to wrap up whatever Amell wanted me to do quickly so I could go support my brother but I realized that I was fooling myself when I arrived at the portal.

The spells that were casted on the walls of the portal were so powerful that it made me claustrophobic and I had to cast a spell on myself to keep the pressure down. I could sense that many witches had lost their lives while creating this portal and that was probably the reason why it was cursed. My eyes then suddenly fell on Amell and I realized that he was trying to get rid of the spells so he could enter the portal. My eyes widened in shock when I sensed where the portal lead to and I instantly started casting spells to help my nephew.

"The spells get stronger each time I break them uncle Mattew" uttered Amell when he sensed me next to him and then added "If we don't succeed in breaking the spells on time then everything papa did until now will be in vain". I could sense how worried Amell was and quickly replied to him with "Don't worry Amell, I'm here now and I'm sure that we'll succeed in breaking the spells together". Amell nodded with his head at me and I couldn't help but smile when I realized how much he looked like me. Amell and I concentrated on breaking the spells after that and I frowned when I realized how right Amell actually was.

The spells kept coming back stronger than before each time we broke them and I had already noticed that this was just to make sure that we couldn't enter the portal. Amell was getting frustrated and I heard him then suddenly utter in anger "I have to reach them before they move it to another place uncle Mattew". I was just about to ask Amell what he was talking about when Micah suddenly appeared in front of us. Amell immediately hugged his father while I looked in awe at Micah's new form. "Is Micah back to life now?" I asked myself and heard him then say "I'm not back yet Mattew because my mission isn't over yet. I just came here to help you two because I don't want you to waste your time by casting spells here. You two will need all your power and energy to complete your missions when you reach your destination so I decided that it was best to get rid of the spells for you to win some time".

"I really did my best to open the portal papa" said Amell to Micah while rubbing his face on his father's chest and I smiled when my brother cupped his son's face then placed a kiss on his forehead. Micah then said to Amell while smiling at him "You were the one who found Lucifer's heart with those amazing eyes of yours Amell so don't feel dejected and slaughter all your opponents in an blink of an eye like you always do". Amell eagerly replied to Micah then with "I will papa and I'll make sure to bring you that heart like I have promised you". I couldn't help but stroke Amell's head then too and Amell smiled as response at me.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now