Chapter 25. Sacrifice

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Noah's P.O.V

My father told me to come straight to the realm of angels after school because he wanted to tell me something and I was glad that I had at least the chance to have lunch with Andreas that day. I casted a spell and landed just in front of my father's desk in his office. My father immediately stood up from his chair and walked up to me with a file in his hands. I looked puzzled at him and my heart skipped a beat when I heard my father then say "Caleb Barton's brother handed his resignation letter to his boss today and it seems that he also moved out of his house".

My father handed me the file that he had in his hands and then continued with "We received this information from one of Knightly's men who is working undercover in the CIA. We're lucky that Kightly has his men everywhere even in the FBI because he heard from someone who's working there for him that Caleb's brother Ryker is on the hunt for the people who kidnapped his brother. I'm certain that he won't find anything even if he digs deep enough to reach the centre of earth but we can't be careful enough especially in times like these".

"What's my mission dad?" I asked my father while going through Ryker Barton's file and heard my father then reply to me with "I want you to observe Ryker Barton to find out if he's a supernatural creature because I have a feeling that his little brother wasn't just some random victim of the vampires". My eyes fell on the recommendation letter to the FBI for Ryker Barton the moment my father uttered those words and I heard my father then add "It looks like his whole family consists of cops, lawyers and judges so I can understand why Ryker Barton is so eager to find out who the culprits are".

"Meaning they are blue bloods and if someone spills the beans then the whole secret about the supernatural creatures will come out" I said to my father and saw my father then nod at me as response. "Where is he now dad?" I asked my father and felt a sharp pain in my heart the moment I uttered those words. I clutched my heart and then whispered "Andreas" because I could feel in how much distress Andreas at that moment was. I threw the file on my father's desk and was just about to cast a spell to leave when my father stopped me by grabbing my arm.

I frowned as response at my father and my father then replied to me with "Let Micah and Knightly handle this Noah". I yanked my arm out of my father's grip and then yelled "He's my mate dad and I can't let him suffer alone like this when he finally accepted me". My father hugged me suddenly and said "I know what you're feeling right now Noah and you don't know this but your mother and I feel the same pain that you guys go through each day but this is not the right time to show yourself to Andreas".

"We have to know if he's truly ready to sacrifice himself for you Noah because we won't support a demon who loves you halfheartedly. We have gone through enough with Micah and I won't hand my baby boy to someone who changes his mind faster than the weather. His family is hiding something too so this is the right time to find out the truth". My father then pulled away from me while I was still dazed and confused and I could feel him cast a spell on me.

He then said while caressing me cheek "Go complete your mission Noah and you'll be only allowed to come back when you're done". My father then casted a spell and I ended up just in front of a restaurant. I wanted to scream at that moment but I knew that if I wanted to go back quickly then I would have to complete my mission first. The restaurant was full of people and it seemed that no one even noticed me. I couldn't read the name of the restaurant so just walked in to see why my father had sent me there. My eyes fell on Caleb Barton the moment I walked into the restaurant because he was wearing a red jumper. There were no seats free so I just went to sit at the counter and tried to observe Caleb and his brother from there.

I had to turn around to look at them but it seemed like Ryker Barton was to engrossed in some files to even notice that he was being monitored. Caleb was happily eating a burger and drinking milkshake and I suddenly noticed then that I wasn't feeling the pain anymore. I instantly knew that my father has casted a spell to block everything out and I groaned. I noticed that the girl that was working at the counter was looking at me and I smiled at her. She blushed at me as response and then walked up to me.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now