Chapter 58. My past, my present and my future. Part 2

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Albert's P.O.V

I couldn't understand why Micah had ordered us to move to the Silverstone mansion. We didn't even know anyone there and Micah himself was banned from the mansion so how would he explain to the residents of the Silverstone mansion why we had moved to there. I knew that Liam had done him wrong but that wasn't a good enough reason for us to move. Liam and I had been best friends since we were in the kindergarten and he was the one who actually approached me first.

I was a grumpy kid back then because I was the eldest child of my parents and my other siblings had dominating natures. I didn't talk much and took care of my siblings when my parents weren't home so I was really happy when a popular kid like Liam talked to me. We became inseparable after that and Liam came to our house to play every day. Liam told me once when I asked him why he didn't invite me to his house to play in return, that it was because he was staying with his strict uncle and aunt. He told me that his own parents were dead and that his uncle and aunt didn't like company.

I never asked him anything about it again and was just happy that I had someone by my side. We even went on trips together and he was the first one who I told about Bianca. I never told him about us being mates obviously because Liam was just a normal human. Liam was so happy for me when he heard that Bianca had agreed to go out with me and he was actually the one who advised me to wait till Bianca was eighteen to take our relationship further.

He even encouraged me to start my own business after graduating when I told him that I wanted to make enough money to fulfil Bianca's every wish. We even went on double dates together and he didn't leave my side when Bianca so cruelly broke my heart. I was a total wreck back then and couldn't even function so Liam moved in with me to help me out. Liam had been an active participant in every aspect of my life so you can imagine why I didn't want to leave his side just because he said some cruel words to Micah. I wouldn't even know how to live without him and I knew that he would ask me questions if he ever heard where we were moving to.

It seemed like Micah had noticed that I was at war with my emotions so said "Just do as I said Albert and I'll explain everything to you when you arrive at the Silverstone mansion with your family". I decided to agree with Micah and called a family meeting to talk about our move. I knew that my family would ask me questions about the reason behind our move and hated the fact that not even I knew the truth about it. I was only sure about one thing at that point and that was that my parents would support me no matter what. I asked my siblings to come to my parent's house at eight o'clock in the evening and saw that they were just about to arrive when I looked at my watch.

I heard a car pulling into the driveway suddenly and was just about to open the door when my phone rang. I saw that it was Liam who was calling me when I looked at the screen of my phone and decided to answer it while opening the door. Aiden walked into the house with Antonius in his arms and I could see that he was angry. I knew that Aiden was still bitter about Micah and Knightly still being together so I just ignored him and said "Liam" through the phone. I frowned when the first thing that Liam asked me was "Did Micah cry his pretty face off after I was gone Al?" I instantly starting massaging my forehead when I heard Liam's question and then asked him "If you already know the answer to that question then why are you asking me this Lee and why did you treat him like that?"

Liam burst out laughing suddenly and then answered my question with "It's just payback for something Al you'll understand it eventually". I was just about ask Liam what he meant by that when he replied to me with "I'll talk to you later Al, go enjoy the dinner with your whole family". Liam cut the phone off before I could even reply to him and I then asked myself how he actually knew that we were having dinner with the whole family because we only had dinner together during the weekends due to everyone's busy schedule.

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