Chapter 59. Trust and loyalty Part 1

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Knightly's P.O.V

I ordered Nicholas to take us first to our other businesses before going to our publishing company because I wanted to go home early. Micah was acting strange that morning and I wanted to know why. Micah still had the habit of carrying all our burdens by himself and I wanted to make sure that he knew that I was there for him. I sometimes really wished that he was more dependent on me but it proved to be hard to change someone like Micah who was used to doing everything by himself. I always asked myself if things would have been different if I had known Micah in middle school or before we got mated.

"That's going to be hard to find out now" I said to myself while shaking my head and saw Nicholas looking intently at me. We were finally done making our rounds by three o'clock in the afternoon and I heard Mac then suddenly say through the intercom "We are being followed my king". I sighed then tried to sense who was following us. I groaned when I realized that there were humans in the black range rover that was following us and uttered "Stay in human forms no matter what happens men".

Mac and Nicholas both replied to me with "As you wish my king" and I could see that we were close to my publishing company. This publishing company was actually one of the first businesses that I set up on my own when I took over the pack so it was very close to my heart. I suddenly got an odd feeling in my heart and I asked Star then through our mind link"Can you try to sense what is about to happen Star". Star instantly replied to me with "I'm on it Knigh" and I then stepped out of the limousine because we had finally reached the building. The CEO, Benjamin Bass of the publishing company was already waiting for us at the entrance of the building and he then greeted me with "Good afternoon mister Silverstone".

I nodded with my head as response at him while buttoning up my suit jacket and he then continued with "I'm so sorry that you had to come to the office in such circumstances sir. I was out on business when this incident happened and I didn't have the time to investigate it yet". I put my hand up to stop the CEO from talking and then said to him in an authoritative "I will get to the bottom of this myself Benjamin because no one steals from me". I shook my head when Benjamin gulped nervously and heard Mac then say through our mind link "The black range rover is also here my king and they are observing your every move".

"Keep an eye on them" I ordered Mac and then motioned Benjamin to lead the way. Everyone instantly stood up when I walked into the lobby of the building and they then instantly greeted me with "Good afternoon sir". I just greeted them back curtly with "Good afternoon" and then walked towards the awaiting elevator. There were only humans working at the publishing company so it wasn't going to be that hard to find out what had actually happened to the five million dollars that were missing from the publishing company's management accounts. I was lost in my thoughts because I couldn't shake this odd feeling out of my mind and heard Benjamin then say "I take it that you want to go straight to the main office sir".

I didn't have the time to visit the publishing company lately and wanted to see how things were going so said to Benjamin "No Benjamin, I like to take a look around the company first". Benjamin smiled at me then replied to me while pushing the button of the third floor with "As you wish sir". I could see that everyone was shocked to see me at the office and it was all because I had asked Nicholas to make sure that no one knew that we were coming. Everyone instantly stopped doing whatever they were doing and they all then greeted me with "Good afternoon sir". I nodded with my head at them and frowned when I saw one of the employees just continue working instead of greeting me.

He was sitting at his desk and It was like he was to engrossed in whatever he was doing to even notice that me, his boss was standing in front of him. Benjamin then said while stuttering "Please forgive him sir, he's one of our new editors so he doesn't really know who you are". I could instantly sense that Benjamin was related to this man so said to him "I wonder if you had saved him if he wasn't related to you Benjamin". A girl then walked up to the man and gave his shoulder a nudge. The man looked startled at her and she then motioned him to look into our direction. The man frowned at her and then slowly turned to face us and I was surprised by the man's forest green eyes.

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