Chapter 79. Shock and awe Part 4

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Amitiel's P.O.V

I could feel my heart shatter into small pieces when Micah got hurt and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw someone as powerful as him acting so vulnerable. I kept saying to myself when I saw him so broken that he was invincible and that he would certainly come back to slaughter all his enemies. I also kept praying and hoping that this was all a part of his plan and that he would open his eyes again because I really needed to apologize to him for the things that I did to him. I was beside myself with joy when Micah finally opened his eyes again and I thought that the war would come to an end seeing how he was back but Knightly Silverstone got killed then. And believe me when I say this that everyone around the world instantly felt his pain of loss.

His pain made us all feel like we all needed to repent for our sins and I couldn't help but think about the first time that I had met Micah. My life had never been easy because my parents were very strict and power hungry people. I was born weak because my father who was a high ranking angel in the prime of his time had managed to wrongfully judge an alpha while he was on a mission. All the evidence were clearly saying that the alpha was innocent but the hatred that my father had towards supernatural creatures got the better of him and he sentenced the alpha to death.

Archangel Michael was furious when he heard about what had happened because the death of this certain alpha automatically lead to the pack's demise. He then demoted my father and told him that his next generation was going to pay for all his sins. My father's hatred towards supernatural creatures grew even more when he got demoted and all because he was as stubborn as a mule. He was too blinded by rage to realize that what he had done was wrong and was disappointed when I was born weak like the archangel had predicted.

He promised himself that he was going to make me strong again and that he was going to take back his rightful place. My father actually started teaching me spells when I was three years old in the form of nursery rhymes and I was never allowed to play with other angels my age. He would always hit me when I forgot a word or made a mistake while training so I always lived in fear of disappointing him. I was never allowed to leave the house and I would always gaze at the other little kids that were happily playing outside from my window. I always asked myself when I would be strong enough to join them and that finally happened when I was eight years old.

I didn't understand it then but know now that it was all the moon goddesses doing because she had decided to mate me with a demon like Maynor Agiel. My father finally let me out of the house then because he wanted to let people know that he had succeeded in making his son strong and powerful despite the archangels ruling. And I, the child that other kids didn't even know that excited became suddenly popular when I managed to defeat all my instructors during a spells training. I felt that I had worked hard to get the attention that I needed and my father pressuring me all the time to stay popular didn't help my ego either.

I was the most powerful kid in the realm of the angels for years and everyone looked in awe at me when I easily managed to cast difficult spells. So you can imagine my surprise when I heard one of the angels talk about the boy that had recently moved to the realm of angels one day. The boy was the son of the head angel Mike Lockwood according to him and he told me that he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw how powerful the aura was that this boy named Micah was emitting. I could instantly feel the power slipping through my fingers when I heard what the angel had said and my whole body trembled in fear of what my father would do to me if that truly happened.

I couldn't wait to meet Mike Lockwood's son personally and was over the moon when I heard that he was finally going to join us in training. I had heard so much about this so called Mike Lockwood's son that I had truly thought that he was going to be someone prideful and cocky but the image of Micah when I saw him the first time still lingers in my mind. He had his head down like he was carrying the burdens of the whole world despite having so much power and the me, who had worked so hard to gain some power couldn't help but think that so much power was wasted on someone like Micah. I could sense that everyone around me was mesmerized by him despite him not paying any attention to them and I couldn't blame them either because it was like he demanded you to show him submission.

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now