Chapter 55. Trial and tribulation Part 2

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Noah's P.O.V


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The head witch yelled "I will kill you all" when she realized that she was the last one to be alive and I couldn't help but burst out laughing because of how ignorant she actually was. I walked up menacingly to the head witch while casting my sword and I was just about to cut off her arm when a woman ran out of the building while yelling "No, please don't hurt her!" Andreas looked puzzled at the woman when she hugged the head witch protectively and I knew exactly why. "So, you must be Jasmin" I said to the woman and then continued with "Let her go or you'll die with her, witch".

Andreas growled when the woman uttered "No, she's my only loved one left so I can't let you kill her". Andreas couldn't control his anger anymore so yelled "Witches don't know what being loving or being a family means so I doubt that she even cares about you. Tell me why we should spare someone like her again?" I got startled when the head witch pushed the woman roughly away from her then uttered "You came at the right time Jasmin". I then suddenly heard the little boy that was sitting in the middle of the battlefield scream and quickly looked into his direction.

"I can't believe this" said Andreas while looking at the little boy who was now getting sucked into the ground and I then realized that the head witch had used Jasmin and the little boy to create a distraction so she could escape her faith. The woman named Jasmin yelled "Zale!" while running towards the little boy and my heart broke when the boy screamed "Mommy!" in fear. Andreas motioned me to go help Jasmin while he would keep an eye on the head witch. I casted a spell to take me to the little boy and Jasmin and frowned when I heard her say while crying to the little boy "Don't worry Zale, your daddy Knightly Silverstone will surely come to save you".

"What the hell is she talking about?" I asked myself as soon as I heard Jasmin utter those words and looked questioningly into Knightly's direction. I shook my head when I saw Knightly looking at me like the fact that an unknown woman had just declared that Zale was his son didn't faze him. It looked like Micah wasn't concerned either and I then understood what was actually going on. I quickly mind linked Andreas then to say "The witches are responsible for the predicament that we're in right now Andreas and I bet that they have done something to this woman making her think that the boy is Knightly's".

Noah's taken mate. (boyxboy) Werewolf, Mpreg (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now